Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Warner Bros. president to speak at Union Saturday - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
Alan Horn, who graduated from the Schenectady college in will discuss his perspective on the moviw business duringhis 3:30 p.m. talk. Horn’sa studio is responsible for such movie hitsas “The Dark as well as the Harry Pottefr movies. Horn is speakinv as part of the school’d ReUnion 2009 graduation event that is expectedx to draw morethan 1,500 Also speaking Saturday are Chris Sheridan, a writer and charactee voice for “The Family who graduated from Union in and Scott Siegler, the creative director of shows such as “Growingf Pains” and “Night He graduated from Union in 1969.
All the talks are free and open to the A ground breaking ceremony is also scheduled for Saturday on a renovation of the sociapsciences building. The renovation work includese the installation ofsmart classrooms. The work is being fundesd in part witha $3 million gift from alumnus Jim who is chairman and CEO of , a Los Angeles-base commercial real estate firm he founded in 1992. The company has 1,500 employees and manages a portfolii valued at morethan $3.5 billion, with more than $300 million in annual revenues.

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