Sunday, October 31, 2010

Broken heart could kill missing monkey - ABC Online

Broken heart could kill missing monkey

ABC Online

Cheeky, a marmoset twin, was last seen huddled up with her sister and other marmosets in their enclosure at Nowra Wildlife Park just before 2:00am on ...

Monkey goes missing from Nowra Wildlife Park

Daily Telegraph

Monkey theft: Cheeky's twin traumatised

Illawara Mercury


Saturday, October 30, 2010

Tampa business owner puts confidence, money in Madison project - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
The Tampa business owner, who has other office and industriaol properties inHillsborough County, is developing at Madisonh Park of Commerce east of U.S. 41 in His firm, , plans to build two office/warehouse buildings totaling nearly 144,000 square feet at Madisoj Avenue and JoanneKearneyt Boulevard. Spaces within the building are beingy offered through for saleor lease. is set to occup 40,000 square feet in the firsy building openingnext spring. "Bein g an owner and operator, I can make decisions said Weldon, who is investing at least $10 milliob to develop the buildings. The twin buildingse will featureconcrete tilt-wall a 180-foot rear-load truck court and 28-fooyt ceiling heights.
They are designed to look like high-grades office buildings and can be easilh convertedto two-story office space. "The project is designefd to lowera tenant's tota l cost of occupancy," said John first VP with CBRE in Jenkins noted that insurance rates are less expensives for concrete construction compared with metakl buildings and energy efficiency touchesx such as skylights will cut electricity bills. Locatio is key to marketing the buildings, Weldo n added. Besides proximity to Interstatse 75, the Lee Roy Selmon Crosstown Expresswat and the Portof Tampa, he pointed out that more commercial developmenty is expected to come along U.S. 41.
"There's a lot of buildint going south," he said. "When you look there are hardly any warehouse options and some available buildings are CBRE brokers Rick Narkiewicz and Janicse Reckers will assist Jenkins in marketingWeldon Center. At the start of this calendard year, completed a massive deal to buy a massive supermarket distribution buildingin Sarasota. Now it needs help backfilling justover 900,0090 square feet of space. The Clearwater compant has hired as the exclusive brokerfor , which is beingt marketed as a multi-tenant facility divides into 100,000-square-foot increments.
The building at Clarki and McIntosh roads containznearly 700,000 square feet of dry plus 208,000 square feet of refrigeratedf space. "We're ensuring that the property will be promoted to therighyt users," said Steve Kossoff, managing directoer of Meridian, which partnered with to close on the $30 million purchasw Jan. 3. The super-sizes building, which can be divided into 100,000-square-foot increments, has a huge advantagd in being available forimmediatw occupancy.
"There's a high demand for qualityh warehouse space in Floridaright now, but there's also a very limited supply," said Clay VP with Trammell Crow's Tampa He will work with colleagues Bill Kincaid, VP of logistics and Trey Carswell, senior associate, in marketint Meridian's Sarasota space. The location itsel is another keysellinh point. "Sarasota is a leading locatiomn for companies that want to be closefr to a growingcustomed base," Kincaid said. "It's no longer considered an alternative tocentraol Florida. The area has becoms a prime location itself.
" Witherspoonb noted the center's quick access to Interstate 75, along with rail accessz and proximity to Port Manatee and Port as additionalpitch points. Carol Scheafnocker is puttingy her 27 years of marketing experienc e to work in a new firm specializing in consultinb services forthe architecture, engineering and contractingt industries. , based in will offer marketing, business development and publicvrelations consulting, along with minority businesa certification assistance and permit "Public projects typically require minorityt participation, and I see these as valuablw services we could said Scheafnocker, who was downsized from a previous local marketing position in "Smaller firms often need marketing guidancse but are not able to justify a full-time marketing CR&C will also assist smaller citiesw and counties, public agencies and private organizations in developing request for proposals and help in selectingv team members for projects, Scheafnockef said.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Preckwinkle Promotes Her Independence as Some Question It - New York Times

Preckwinkle Promotes Her Independence as Some Question It

New York Times

It is a longstanding practice for Cook County's Democratic Party heavyweights to dismiss would-be reformers as weaklings ...

and more »

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

U.S. home builder mood dips, but up in West - New Mexico Business Weekly:
The / Housing Market Index declined one point to 15 in but rose two pointas in the Western regionto 14. “Thed outlook for home sale s has improved somewhat inrecent months, due largelyg to implementation of the first-timer home buyer tax credit and gainsx in housing affordability,” said NAHB Chairma n Joe Robson, a home builder from Tulsa, Okla. looking forward, home builders are facing a few including expiration of the tax credit at the end of a recent upturn ininterest rates; and especiallt the continuing lack of credit for housiny production loans.
” Two out of three of the HMI’sz component indexes were unchanged in June, including the indec gauging current home sales, which held at 14, and the indexx gauging traffic of prospective buyers, which held at 13. the index gauging expectations for the next six monthe declined asingle point, to 26. The nationaol decline was driven entirely focused by builderse inthe South, which is the nation’s largest housing market. There, the HMI declined 3 points to 15, while the rest of the regionswposted gains. In addition to the gain in the the Northeast hada one-point gain to 20 and the Midwest showec a one-point gain to 15.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Nobel winners lobby for Liu release - ABC Online


Nobel winners lobby for Liu release

ABC Online

A group of 15 Nobel Peace Prize winners has released a letter asking the leaders of the G20 nations to press China to free imprisoned dissident Liu Xiaobo, ...

Nobel Peace Prize winners c »

Sunday, October 24, 2010

San Francisco Bars - View Bars & Pubs in San Francisco
San Francisco, CA 94105 (415) 278-3777y With one of the few outdoo r patios inthe city, Americano in the Hotel Vitale is the hottest spot in town on fine Heat lamps help localsw remain long after the San Franciscoi chill sets in. Bix 56 Gold St. San CA 94133 (415) 433-6300 Located between Montgomery andSansome Streets. Reminisceny of an old speakeasy, Bix is hard to tucked down an Butonce inside, you are transported to an old-school supperclub. Shouldf the salty snacks on the dark wood bar not hold you or soak upthe old-schoolp cocktails, you can even stay for dinner. Jazz musicians play Redwood Room (at the Clift 495 Geary St.
San Francisco, CA 94102 This is a sexy bar, with

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Forced Arbitration Denies Consumers Fair Hearing on Complaints About Credit Cards and Other Financial Products
June 3 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Consumers have the deck stackee against them when they are forced into mandatory arbitration by their credit card issuetr or other financialservices provider, an analysies by the Center for Responsible Lending confirms. Many consumera don't even know that the contracts they sign for mostcreditg cards, auto loans and other smal l loan products come with hidden clauses that require they use arbitratiob rather than the courts if a complaint arises. A recent poll showe Americans believe they should have the righty to pursue claims in cour ifthey want.
The CRL analysis, "Stackef Deck," details some of the forces workingf againstan individual's abilitt to receive a fair hearing during Among them: -- Individual arbitrators have a stron g incentive to favor the firms that providee them with repeat business over an individualp consumer they may never see again. -- Companiees win a favorable ruling in arbitration far more oftenthan -- Companies involved in the most arbitratiom cases--and therefore in creating the most business for arbitrators?consistentl receive more favorable rulings than firms involvexd in fewer cases.
CRL recommends that, beforew signing a contract, borrowers read the fine print, ask question and try to opt-out of arbitration clauses. And they shoulx keep in mind that such clauses may not alwaysebe enforceable. The report is available at: is a nonpartisan research and policy organization dedicated to protecting homeownership and familu wealth by working to eliminate abusivefinancial practices. CRL is affiliated with , one of the nation'sz largest community developmentfinancial institutions.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

GO! OHANA – October 2010 -

GO! OHANA â€" October 2010

OHANA this week. Held every month at the historic La Pena Cultural Center in Berkeley, GO! OHANA is RAMA's monthly APA music and art show celebrating the ...

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Warnock - It Was A Good Advert For The Division - Planet Swans

Warnock - It Was A Good Advert For The Division

Planet Swans

The QPR manager saw his side leave the Liberty with a point helped no end by Paddy Kenny's penalty save from David Cotterill and he was pleased over »

Monday, October 18, 2010

Regal, AMC form new company - Denver Business Journal:
and are teaming in a joint venture to combine theifr cinema screen advertising businesses into The new company will focus on the marketin and sale of cinema advertising and promotions business communications andtraining services; and the distributionm of digital alternative content. Financial terms were not disclosed. National CineMediaw combines the operationsof , Regall Entertainment media and new businesa development subsidiary, and , AMC's cinema advertising subsidiary.
The new companh will provide services to AMC and Regal Entertainment as well as other representingapproximately 11,200 North American theater screens (8,200 digital), and reaching more than 450 millioh movie guests annually. Kurt Hall, co-chairman and co-CE O of Regal Entertainment and president and CEO ofRegak CineMedia, will be CEO of National CineMedia after a shortr transition period. National CineMedis will have its headquarters in Denver with officezs in NewYork City, Chicago, Detroit and Los Regal Entertainment Group (NYSE: RGC) is the largestf movie theater company in the world, comprising of , Unitesd Artists Theatres and Edwards for 6,273 screens in 558 locations in 40 AMC Entertainment Inc.
, basefd in Kansas City, Mo., operates 230 with 3,55e screens in the Unite d States, Canada, France, Hong Japan, Portugal, Spain and the Uniter Kingdom.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

N.Y Attorney General ends BofA probe - The Business Review (Albany):
Cuomo says the banks have and will continue to providre liquidityto investors. Last October, agreed to buy back as much as $4.7 billioh in auction-rate securities it sold to about 5,500 investors, small businesses and small charitiez before the market collapsed inFebruarhy 2008. According to the Securitiexs andExchange Commission, the settlement also requiredr BofA to “use its best efforts” to provide up to $5 billionj in liquidity to businesses and institutional investors with accounts valuerd at $15 million or more, and charitiess with accounts valued at $25 million or The agreement resolved allegations that securities dealeras made misrepresentations to customers during saleas of auction-rate securities about their safetyh and liquidity.
Auction-rate securities have interest rates that are reseft at weekly or monthlyt auctions run byinvestment firms. The $330 billioh market collapsed last year, when investors becamw alarmed at the prospects of the abilityh of corporate borrowers covering debt servicw onthe securities. Many were left with securities they could not sell intothe market. N.C.-based BofA (NYSE:BAC) neither admitted nor denied BofA is the fifthb largest bank inthe Albany, area, with 42 brancheds and $1.3 billion in deposits. The SEC also has finalizedr a settlement with BofA overthe securities.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Houston Summer Boat Show hits choppy waters - bizjournals:
The 22nd annual Houston Summer Boat scheduled forJune 17-21 at Relianty Center, is being affected both by the economy and by boat difficulty in obtaining financing. “Financing is really tougbh right now,” says Ken Lovell, president of the boat “You’ve got to be basicallyg 24-carat gold to qualifty these days.” The summer show typicallhy fills ReliantHalls A, B and half of C. This year, Hall C won’ty be used, decreasing the size of the event from approximately 450,000 square feet to 300,000 square feet of exhibit space, Lovel l says.
“We’re not losing that many people, but peoplee are cutting back,” Lovell says of the boat dealerw who buy booths atthe show. For Marine Max, traditionally one of the summed show’s largest exhibitors, is not participatinv at all this year, which is a first, according to Skip a Marine Max salesperson. The store at 3001 Nasa Parkwahy in Seabrook is skipping the show to save the money it costse for the display and employees tooperated it, as well as the time it takex to set up and tear down the exhibit, Pillsbury “We’re trying to focuw on the prospects we have here at the he says.
Boat sales at Marinr Max have been okay, and even better than accordingto Pillsbury. sales are down at one of the oldest independenf dealers intown — Mt. Houstojn Marine. The dealership at 203 W. Mountr Houston typically sells more than 100 saltwater fishing boats a year rangingg in pricefrom $16,000 to $85,000. Danny Thrower, the store’es general manager, says sales are 15 percenf to 20 percent lower thanlast year. However, the 35-year-olrd dealership had a banner year in selling more boats than ever he says. Approximately 15 percenyt of Mt.
Houston Marine’s annual salezs are derived from the summerrboat show, where the company will have as much exhibift space as usual this PERFECT STORM? Boat pricesd tend to be lower in the summer because dealere are making room for next year’sw models, which come out in August. Add that situationb to the current economic conditionsx and a dropin dealers’ revenue, and professionals say the upcominv boat show is lining up to be a gianty sale. Dealers are expected to offer deep and manufacturers are coming in with incentived programs such as cash back orextenderd warranties, says Thrower, who plans to sell boatas for $1,000 to $2,000 less than last year.
In this rough seas may work to theboat buyers’ And thousands of people who lost boats in Hurricanes Ike last September may be in the market for a replacementt by now. “There will be some very good Lovell says. “This is definitelyt the time topurchase one.”

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Dean Foods to relocate corporate office - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
Dallas-based Dean (NYSE: DF) will relocate from its currenft location at 2515McKinney Ave. into 240,00o square feet of space inside Cityplace. The move is expectexd to take place in the first quartedof 2010. "We are pleased to be able to relocatse our offices within Dallas city Many factors worked inour favor, including the real estatse market, space availability and other economic said Gregg Engles, chairman of the board and chieg executive officer of Dean "The City of Dallas is our home, and we are pleasedc to remain here and continue our many civic and community partnerships.
" Dean said in a statement it is moviny because the company has outgrown its curren t workspace, and new space is needed to address the company’a changing needs. The leasr will take occupancy at Cityplacd to about 80 percent from about 60percentg now, said Sarah Payne, vice president at Stream Realty Partners, whicbh handles leasing in the building. Employees will begin movin g in December and the move will be phasee inthrough March, Payne "This was a huge win for the City of Dallas to keep them in the because they looked all over," Payne said.
She said Dean Foode considered existing spaceand build-to-suitsd in the Legacy/Frisco area, as well as othert buildings downtown. Brokers familiar with the searchj said Dean Foods considered Fountain Places and Bank of America Plaza among other downtown buildings with significant squarefootagse available. The asking lease rate for space in Cityplaceeis $24 per square foot, plus electricity. Dean Foods will occupy floors 34 througjh 40 inthe 42-floor, 1.2-million-square-foot Dean Foods occupies about 150,000 square feet at its currenf location.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Kentucky farm revenue rises between 2002 and 2007 - Business First of Louisville:
Average per-farm revenue in 2007 was $56,586, the said in a news According tocensus data, overall farm sales increased despite declining tobacci revenue. Sales of tobacco, once Kentucky’s king crop, declines 22 percent between 2002and 2007. The numbert of tobacco farms during that period declinex72 percent, to 8.113, and acres of tobaccko harvested declined 21 percent. The department pointeds out that a federal tobacco quot a and price support system were ended followinbg the 2004growing season. Without the government some farmers exited farming and others began growingother crops, raising livestock or enterinyg the agritourism business.
The state has helperd support farmers in their diversification effortes with millions of dollarsin grants. “Thart shows that Kentucky’s investments in agricultural diversificationare working,” Kentuckg agriculture commissioner Richie Farmer said in the release of the overalo increase in agricultural revenue. According to the 89 percent of Kentucky’s 85,269 farms in 2007 were run by individualdor families. The average size of farmds increased to 164 acres from 160 acres in 2002. The full reporgt can be viewedat .

Monday, October 11, 2010

Mortgage rates fall a second week - Baltimore Business Journal:
's weekly report says 30-year fixed-rate mortgages averagex 5.2 percent this week, down from last week's averag of 5.32 percent. A year ago, 30-year mortgages were averagintg 6.37 percent, although rates fell below 5 percenyt earlierthis year. The nation’s job market is one factor though t to be influencingmortgage rates. “Interest ratews for 30-year fixed-rate mortgages fell to the lowesg level in six weeks amid market concerns over a weakeninglabort market,” said Freddie Mac chiefg economist Frank Nothaft. “The economy lost 467,000 jobs in more than the market consensus, and the unemploymenf rate roseto 9.5 percent, the highest since Augusy 1983.
” this week in mortgage as refinancing activity jumped and applications to purchase homes rose to the highesgt level in three months. Thosr with more than one mortgage obligatiomnare struggling. The reported this week that the number of home equityh loans thatwere 30-dayxs or more delinquent rose to a recorx high of 3.52 percent in the firsy quarter and home equity lines of credit in default also reacheds a record of 1.89 percent.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Mortgage rates jump - Wichita Business Journal:
’s weekly report said that 30-year fixed-rated mortgages averaged 5.29 percent this week, the highesr rate this year and up fromlast week’es average of 4.91 percent. Rates still remain well belosw year-ago levels, when 30-year mortgages averaged more than 6 FreddieMac (NYSE: FRE) said. “Ratesa caught up to the recent risein long-term bond yieldse this week to reach a 25-weej high,” said Freddie Mac Chieg Economist Frank Nothaft. “The slowdown in the housing markeg has now detracted from economic growth for the past 13 the longest quarterly stretch since atleast 1947.” Despit e rising rates, the housing markey continues to show small signs of life.
The housing affordability index rose in Aprip toits second-highest level since at least 1971. The NAR also reported this week that pending salez of existing homes increased forthe third-consecutivre month, posting the biggest monthly increas e since 2001.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Schwarzenegger says day of reckoning is here - Sacramento Business Journal:
“California’s day of reckoning is here,” he With no action, the state could run out of cash in 14 Three months after the state budget was California facesa $24 billion deficit. Schwarzenegget has already proposed massive cuts to health careand prisons. Now he’sz looking for structural reform to make government more efficieng and stretchtaxpayer dollars. He’s asked the Statwe Board of Education, for example, to make textbookws available in digitalformats — a move that coulfd save millions. In 2004, the governot talked about blowing up boxes andconsolidating agencies, but the initiativesw never gained traction. They’re back.
Schwarzenegger is proposing once again to eliminate and consolidate more than a dozenstated departments, boards and commissions. This includees the Waste Management Board, the Court Reporters the Department of Boating and Waterways and the Inspectiobn and Maintenance Review Earlierthis year, the statr began consolidating information technology departments. Now Schwarzenegger wants to consolidate departments that oversee financial institutions and merge tax collection In July, state leaders will receive recommendationes on how to modernize the tax code.
“This will be a tremendousd opportunity to make our revenues more reliablew and less volatile and help the state avoid the boom and bust budgetx that have brought ushere today,” Schwarzenegger told It’s not going to happen in 14 days, he But it could happen before the Legislatur e adjourns for summer recess on July 17.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

RIM and Kodak tussle over patents - Dallas Business Journal:
The company in November settled one local patentcourft fight, and in the same month soughg a judicial declaration that it was not infringing on another firm’se intellectual property. The Canadiab maker of the ubiquitouws BlackBerry smart phone recently agreed to settlew a court tussle with a British Virgih Islands company calledBVI Ltd. Termes weren’t disclosed.DataQuill’s Web site says it holds intellectualp property relating to the exchange and downloadinf of information over wirelesstelecommunicatione networks. In a 2007 complaint in federal districtr courtin Dallas, Research in Motion whose U.S.
headquarters is in Las Colinas and which goes by RIM forshorr — did the legal equivalent of a pre-emptive strike, seeking a judgment that it did not infringde on two DataQuill patents, one related to a specifid data entry system, the other entitled “Hand Held Telecommunicationsd and Data Entry DataQuill maintained that RIM did infringe the patents, court recordas say. DataQuill lawyers in Chicagl couldn’t be reached for RIM also declined comment viaa spokeswoman.
In a similae vein, RIM is seekinfg a judgment that three of its smargt phones do not infringew on four patents held by the According tocourt documents, Kodak sent a letter to RIM in Augusy 2007 claiming infringements by three RIM product the BlackBerry 8700 and 8800 series and the BlackBerryt Pearl 8100 series. RIM’s litigation notes that Kodajk has sued three companies in the federal Easternh District of Texas over allegations of infringement of two of the patentsz at issue in its disputewith RIM. The who have denied wrongdoing, are , Panasonic Corp. JVC and Victot Co. of Japan.
In an e-mail, A Kodak spokesman, Davie Lanzillo, says the company is “disappointedf that RIM has chosen to end discussions that appeared to be on a reasonablepath forward. The Koda k patents targeted by RIM are validx andenforceable ... (W)e are committex to protecting these assets on behalf of our After receiving the letter from Kodak abouyt theinfringement allegations, court records say, therer were five meetings betwee officials of RIM and Kodak to discuss Kodak’d allegations. At least one of those gatheringe occurredat RIM’s officesa in Las Colinas.
“At these meetings, Kodakl demanded exhorbitant royalties from RIM for thisallegedc infringement,” RIM’s court petition says. William Munck, chairmanh of the Dallas-based law firm Munck notes that by having a meeting in Las Colinads aboutthe patents, RIM can now argued that the case should be tried in Dallas, in the Northernm District of Texas, rather than in some otherd locale where it doesn’t want to go. The Eastermn District of Texas is knownhas “rocket docket” for its ability to try pateng cases quickly, although a flood of litigatiob being tried there has slowedd the pace somewhat, Munck says.
“It’s clea r that (RIM) perceives they have an advantagwehere (in the Northern for whatever their reasons are,” Munck

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Baby dies in baking hot car in Florida -

Daily Mail

Baby dies in baking hot car in Florida

London: A 14-month-old girl died after being left in a baking hot car for over three hours in Florida while her father attended church, a media report said ...

Florida baby dies in car outside church

No charges yet in death of girl left in car at Miramar church

49 Kids Die in Hot Cars in US This Year


Sunday, October 3, 2010

Woman becomes citizen 87 years after move to US - Chicago Tribune

Woman becomes citizen 87 years after move to US

Chicago Tribune

AP An 88-year-old woman who grew up in Rockford but recently learned she wasn't a US citizen has been granted citizenship. Ella Demus was born in Sweden, ...

and more »

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Santa Cruz named epic surf spot by mag - Phoenix Business Journal:
In the July issue of Surfer, the Central Californiqa beach resort and college town was describedeas “the dividing line between rugged, non-pretentious NorCak and suburban, image-conscious SoCal, and that dichotomy is Geographical generalizations aside, the magazins said the rugged coastline of Santz Cruz County provides both beautu and surfing challenges, making the area the “de facto capitall of coldwater surfing.
” Despite its cost of living, the magazinse praised its artistic bent, proximity to wineries and natural beauth as reasons for surfers aroun the country to bail on their usualk surfing destinations and endeavor to become the Big Kahunz at Steamer Lane or Pleasure Poinrt in Santa Cruz. Santz Cruz was in elite company. Otherf California surf towns thatmade Surfer’s Top 10 list were all in Southern California: Encinitas in third place, San Clementew in the fifth spot, and Malibu in seventhu place.