Sunday, February 24, 2013

LifeLock name to grace Phoenix Mercury jerseys - Baltimore Business Journal:
The Mercury name, pictured fronr and center on the will be replaced with theLifeLock insignia. A smalo Mercury patch will be stitched on the upper left portio n ofthe uniform, across from an Adidas symbol on the A Monday press conference announcing the seven-figure, three-year deal is scheduled for 1 p.m. in New York and will be attendedf by LifeLock CEOTodd Davis, Mercury Presidenty and CEO Jay Parry, Phoenix Suns CEO Rick Women’s National Basketball Association Commissioner Donna NBA Commissioner David Stern and Mercury stara Diana Taurasi and Cappie Poindexter.
Mercur executives insist the landmark agreement is not a sign ofthe times, but it’s no secrert that nearly every professional sports franchiswe is dealing with revenue shortfalls as discretionary dollars dry up in the “It doesn’t have anything to do with current economic situation and the WNBA didn’t have to go Welts said. However, the franchisre likely did, as it struggles to gain Welts said the Mercury turned a profit duringb its first few years inthe league, but hasn’tf been profitable for a “long period. This deal certainlty gets us closer tothat goal,” he The Suns own the Phoenix Mercury.
WNBA Commissioner Donna Orendert refused to comment on whether the leagudeis profitable, only saying “the league is very She said some of the 13 WNBA franchisesw improved attendance and landed more sponsorships in 2008, whiled others did not. Average attendance at Mercur games wasaround 8,000 last year — abouty 2,000 short of its goal to sell out the lowe r bowl of US Airways which accommodates 10,000. Nevertheless, the team has experienced solid year-over-year growth, and “thise type of partnership allows us to acceleratrthat growth,” Parry said.
The Mercury’s fan base is primarily composed of women very loyal to the team and its a dynamic LifeLock executives found not to mention anopportunity “to do somethinbg no one has ever done,” said LifeLockj CEO Todd Davis. “I love the idea of showingg our supportfor women’s sportds and our home town team,” he said. “Io don’t think you could pull this off in any otherrpro sport.” For years, majord league soccer players have donned sponsorsw on their jerseys, and fans haven’ty repelled the image of the New York Red or the Herbalife logo on L.A.
Galax y jerseys or “Volkswagen” plastered across the chesgt of DC United Invasive marketing also is common in where pro players are walking advertisements from andin NASCAR, where commercialization revs up well beforw the starting gate –– or the entrance for that “This is breaking a lot of new Welts said. “It will inevitabluy generate some controversy,” he added, but “that’s not going to come from fans and playerw ofthe WNBA.” Time will tell if the move is endorsedc by fans, and if jersey sales plummet with a company name as the drawinfg point, not the franchise. “u think the jury is out in theshortr term,” Welts.
Last week, Taurasi held the second highestg selling jersey inthe league, with saleas up 25 percent from last year.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Balsillie could face $100 million relocation fee for Phoenix Coyotes - Triangle Business Journal:
That would be on top of his offerof $213 million for the financialluy troubled hockey team to Coyotesz owner Jerry Moyes. U.S. Bankruptcy Court Judge Redfield Baum is hearinv arguments Tuesday on whether the Coyotex can move to Canadaw as part of their Chaptet 11bankruptcy reorganization. Baum is not expectefd to rule on thematter Tuesday, but focuserd on rights and some kind of relocation fee to reimbursw the league for its lost expansion team opportunithy in Hamilton should the Coyotes move there. The $100 million figurs was cited incourt documents.
NHL Commissioner Gary Bettmab declined to comment outside the downtown Phoenidx bankruptcy court onthe $100 million or what a relocatioj fee might entail. The NHL and other pro sportz leagues are fighting the Coyotes move saying it could prompr other teams to file bankruptcy in an attemptf to move toother Baum, however, noted that moves by the Baltimored Colts, San Diego Clippers and others have not had a long-ternm detrimental impact on pro sports. NHL representatives said Tuesdayt that the league will continue to fund the Coyotexs through next season ifneed be, and its priority is an ownership group that wouldd keep the team in Arizona.
If that’s not then bidders looking to move the team couldbe considered, officiale said. Balsillie contends that NHL hockey is not financially viablew in the Phoenix markegt and is pushing for his offetr to be approved by the endof June. The Coyotes have lost more than $300 millionb since moving to the Phoenix market in 1996 from The court hearing was slated to continuee Tuesday afternoon including arguments against the Coyotesa move from the cityof Glendale, which owns Jobing.
com Arena where the hockey team

Friday, February 8, 2013

Mercy system to buy Jewish Hospital - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
The two entities will begin exclusive negotiations to come to a definitive purchase agreement, according to a news The process is expected to take four to six and is also subject to various regulator approvals. Mercy Health Partners partners operates five in Fairfield, Western Mount Airy, Anderson Township and Clermont County, alonbg with outpatient and othert health care-related facilities. The purchase of located in Kenwood, will give the system a presencse in the northeasternCincinnati suburbs. "We are alwaya working to provide high-quality care.
One of the missingt ingredients in covering the Greater Cincinnatij area wasthe I-71 corridor," said Jamed May, CEO of Mercu Health Partners, in the release. Jewish Hospitao will also join CatholicHealthcarwe Partners, the Cincinnati-based parent of the Mercy system. Mercty recently won approval from Green Townshiop trustees to build a new hospital near Nortgh Bend Road andInterstate 74. When completed, the hospitakl will replace its Mount Airy and WesterjnHills facilities. The , of which Jewish is a votinbg member along with University and Fort Hamilton had been considering acquiring the hospital as A purchase would have made it a propertu in thehospital group, like and the .
But in the said it would also consider other partners, while continuing discussionsd with the Health Alliance.