His success surprised a lot of peopler because Doc hadno in-deptyh business experience, and he didn’t have the 70 hours-a-weeo drive that powers most It seemed he’d been in the right placew at the right time with the righf idea. Unfortunately, all thos rights didn’t prevent some big wrongs. Not understanding business basics, Doc didn’t know how to respond to changee ininformation technology, customer preferences and othedr marketplace variables. His head was full of “whag I’d like to do” instead of “what I have to He sat clueless behind his big desk whiles the companyspiraled downward.
Just befor e it all came completelgy apart, Doc’s son Barney gave in to his mother’s pleas, left a corporate vice presidencu and came home totake over. Good old Barney managede to savethe day. Now 10 years later, Doc was tryinh to relive his life in business as he wishec it had been by leaning on Barney to do thing theway he’d always wanteds to do them. Barney has a pretty levelk head andthick skin, but sometimes he just needsa to vent. “I used to chuckle at storiesw of parents trying to live the lived they never had throughtheir kids,” Barney said around a mouthful of Tex-Mexs High-Yield Nuclear Chili at the Carolina Moon Café.
“You trying to make a ballerinz out of a kid with two left Ithought I’d escaped that.” “Is your dad at it I’d heard some of Barney’s “Picture this.” Barney put down his spoomn so he could talk with both “We’re in the bank president’s officr to negotiate an increase in our creditt line. We’re financially solid, but credit isn’g easy for anyone to come by these “Just as I’m finishing my speech aboug using the new money for crucial business Dad pops upwith ‘Of as head of the company, Barney reservez the right to apply the funds to prioritu needs as he and I see them.
That’sw what being CEO is all The bank president had his own idea of what beingh CEO isall about. We were luckh to get everything signed and get outof “Doc probably shouldn’t be involved in such discussions,” I “He’s my father,” Barney said. “Whaty am I gonna do? Anyway, I get a call a coupld of weeks ago from a business reporter down at the and she wants to knowhow we’re doing on acquiring our biggest I tell her I don’t know what she’sw talking about, and she says, ‘I have a tip from someonwe very close to the head of your companyh that the financing is almost lockerd in.
’ And I say, ‘I’m the head of this and I’m telling you we don’t have any plans Then the light goes on.” “Your I asked. “Why would he startf a rumor like that?” “That’s the question I asked him about 15secondr later. ‘Barney,’ he said to me, ‘you have to keep your name in the headlineds so people willknow you’re alive and kicking. Stir the pot, let ‘em speculate.’” Barney shookj his head. “Sheesh!” “I hope he hasn’t done any more I said. “Just the receptioj area, the main conference room and his officethis time,” Barneuy said.
“Almost $60,000! But it’es not only the money. It’s him making decisions and making a lot of noise about it because hethinks that’s what beinvg a CEO is all about. It was that over-blowmn CEO nonsense that almosty sank the company 10years ago.” “kI agree with you that he’s trying to do through you what he couldn’f do successfully himself. Doc probably won’t be satisfied with any placew in the companythat isn’t right over your “But he’s a good guy and good Barney shrugged, “even if he isn’t much of a businessman. And sometimesz he comes up with somegood ideas.
I’ll just be carefu about how much opportunity he has to makeserioua waves.” “Good thinking,” I “Who knows, Barney? You might need an understanding son yourselt some day.”
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Monday, July 25, 2011
Photo Gallery: Thorpe House Langley Preparatory School in Norwich one year on - Norwich Evening News
Norwich Evening News | Photo Gallery: Thorpe House Langley Preparatory School in Norwich one year on Norwich Evening News As Thorpe House Langley Preparatory School celebrates the end of its first academic year, Evening News reporter DONNA-LOUISE BISHOP catches up with the head teacher to find out how it went. To send a link to this page to a frien! d, simply enter their ... |
Friday, July 22, 2011
Triangle transit projects get $23M in stimulus funds - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
million for the city of Raleigh to builfd a new maintenance and operations facility for its Capital AreaTransit Gov. Beverly Perdue announced that $103 million has been allocated for transigprojects Statewide. Twenty-one urban transit systemes will receive morethan $70 million for 77 The largest allocation, at $20.8 million, goes to Charlotter Area Transit System's North Davidsom Street bus facility. Projects in rural areas acrosw the state totaled morethan $33 Government officials estimate the projects will creatwe or retain more than 3,200 Besides the CAT facility, Triangle projectas receiving stimulus money include the • Durham Area Transit Authority will receive $4.
3 millionb for projects including paratransit vehicle replacements and maintenance, bus repaintintg and bus GPS systems; • Triangle Transir will receive $3.7 million for projects including a vanpool expansion, vehicle locator systems, replacement buses, preventative maintenanc and an expansion of the parking lot at the Nelsohn Road facility; • Durham County Access will receivde $39,075 that will be used to buy three lift-equipped vans and also to hire a full-time mobilityg manager; • Chapel Hill Transitg will receive $2.
7 million for projects includinh replacement buses and paratransit preventative maintenance and computer technologu hardware and software; • Orange Public Transportationh will receive about $550,000 for replacement transit vehicles; Cary/C-Tran will receive $95,000 for bus shelters and benches • Wake Coordinated Transportation Serviced will receive $84,420 for six lift-equipped replacement vans.
million for the city of Raleigh to builfd a new maintenance and operations facility for its Capital AreaTransit Gov. Beverly Perdue announced that $103 million has been allocated for transigprojects Statewide. Twenty-one urban transit systemes will receive morethan $70 million for 77 The largest allocation, at $20.8 million, goes to Charlotter Area Transit System's North Davidsom Street bus facility. Projects in rural areas acrosw the state totaled morethan $33 Government officials estimate the projects will creatwe or retain more than 3,200 Besides the CAT facility, Triangle projectas receiving stimulus money include the • Durham Area Transit Authority will receive $4.
3 millionb for projects including paratransit vehicle replacements and maintenance, bus repaintintg and bus GPS systems; • Triangle Transir will receive $3.7 million for projects including a vanpool expansion, vehicle locator systems, replacement buses, preventative maintenanc and an expansion of the parking lot at the Nelsohn Road facility; • Durham County Access will receivde $39,075 that will be used to buy three lift-equipped vans and also to hire a full-time mobilityg manager; • Chapel Hill Transitg will receive $2.
7 million for projects includinh replacement buses and paratransit preventative maintenance and computer technologu hardware and software; • Orange Public Transportationh will receive about $550,000 for replacement transit vehicles; Cary/C-Tran will receive $95,000 for bus shelters and benches • Wake Coordinated Transportation Serviced will receive $84,420 for six lift-equipped replacement vans.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Warner Bros. president to speak at Union Saturday - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
Alan Horn, who graduated from the Schenectady college in will discuss his perspective on the moviw business duringhis 3:30 p.m. talk. Horn’sa studio is responsible for such movie hitsas “The Dark as well as the Harry Pottefr movies. Horn is speakinv as part of the school’d ReUnion 2009 graduation event that is expectedx to draw morethan 1,500 Also speaking Saturday are Chris Sheridan, a writer and charactee voice for “The Family who graduated from Union in and Scott Siegler, the creative director of shows such as “Growingf Pains” and “Night He graduated from Union in 1969.
All the talks are free and open to the A ground breaking ceremony is also scheduled for Saturday on a renovation of the sociapsciences building. The renovation work includese the installation ofsmart classrooms. The work is being fundesd in part witha $3 million gift from alumnus Jim who is chairman and CEO of , a Los Angeles-base commercial real estate firm he founded in 1992. The company has 1,500 employees and manages a portfolii valued at morethan $3.5 billion, with more than $300 million in annual revenues.
Alan Horn, who graduated from the Schenectady college in will discuss his perspective on the moviw business duringhis 3:30 p.m. talk. Horn’sa studio is responsible for such movie hitsas “The Dark as well as the Harry Pottefr movies. Horn is speakinv as part of the school’d ReUnion 2009 graduation event that is expectedx to draw morethan 1,500 Also speaking Saturday are Chris Sheridan, a writer and charactee voice for “The Family who graduated from Union in and Scott Siegler, the creative director of shows such as “Growingf Pains” and “Night He graduated from Union in 1969.
All the talks are free and open to the A ground breaking ceremony is also scheduled for Saturday on a renovation of the sociapsciences building. The renovation work includese the installation ofsmart classrooms. The work is being fundesd in part witha $3 million gift from alumnus Jim who is chairman and CEO of , a Los Angeles-base commercial real estate firm he founded in 1992. The company has 1,500 employees and manages a portfolii valued at morethan $3.5 billion, with more than $300 million in annual revenues.
Monday, July 18, 2011
GM trying to strong-arm Florida dealers, McCollum says - Triangle Business Journal:
The objection was filed with the ’es Southern District of New York, where General Motors GMGMQ) filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection earliertthis month. In the filing, McCollum said that Genera l Motorshas “misused [its] bankruptcy-enhancede bargaining power and forced automotive dealers to waive the very state laws that were designex to protect them from such overreaching The problem stems from GM asking dealers to agree to waive several protections under Florida law befores they can be considered a dealerr through the new General Motors organization, McCollunm said.
GM also wantx disputes over the agreements to play out in New York despite laws that give Floridaq jurisdiction insuch matters. McCollukm is asking the court to “affirj that the relationship between New GM and its Florida dealer will be governed byFlorida law” and order any new agreementg that does not follow Florida law to be “invalisd and unenforceable.” “In the event the court approvews the sale motion, it should clarift that such approval does not validate the attemp to evade Florida law by amendinh the dealer franchise agreements,” McCollum said.
The new agreements creat an ultimatum along the lineof “take it or leave it,” McCollum meaning dealers either have to lose the protections of Florida law or lose thei r business. The New GM could have some problems doing businesxs if such stipulations in agreementss with dealerswould remain, McCollum said. The new company wouldf have to apply for a new licensd to operatein Florida, and it couldc have that application denied if state officialas feel the company is working to circumvenft state law.
The objection was filed with the ’es Southern District of New York, where General Motors GMGMQ) filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection earliertthis month. In the filing, McCollum said that Genera l Motorshas “misused [its] bankruptcy-enhancede bargaining power and forced automotive dealers to waive the very state laws that were designex to protect them from such overreaching The problem stems from GM asking dealers to agree to waive several protections under Florida law befores they can be considered a dealerr through the new General Motors organization, McCollunm said.
GM also wantx disputes over the agreements to play out in New York despite laws that give Floridaq jurisdiction insuch matters. McCollukm is asking the court to “affirj that the relationship between New GM and its Florida dealer will be governed byFlorida law” and order any new agreementg that does not follow Florida law to be “invalisd and unenforceable.” “In the event the court approvews the sale motion, it should clarift that such approval does not validate the attemp to evade Florida law by amendinh the dealer franchise agreements,” McCollum said.
The new agreements creat an ultimatum along the lineof “take it or leave it,” McCollum meaning dealers either have to lose the protections of Florida law or lose thei r business. The New GM could have some problems doing businesxs if such stipulations in agreementss with dealerswould remain, McCollum said. The new company wouldf have to apply for a new licensd to operatein Florida, and it couldc have that application denied if state officialas feel the company is working to circumvenft state law.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Survey: Local financial hiring to be flat - Charlotte Business Journal:
About 8 percent of the chietf financial officers in the Charlotte area plan to add and 7 percentanticipate reductions. The net 1 percentr increase is unchanged fromthe area’s second-quarter forecast. The locao results are based on the responses of 200 CFOs from a randomj sample of area companies with 20 ormore “Many companies remain hesitany to commit to adding staff unti they are certain of an economic says Max Messmer, chief executive of Robert Half “In the meantime, most firms are working with their currenft teams to manage key with some employers also bringinvg in project professionals to assis t with rising workloads and support full-time personnel.
” 5 percent of CFOs expect to hire full-time employees duringf the third quarter, and 8 percent anticipatre personnel reductions. California-based (NYSE:RHI) has been tracking financial-hiring activithy in the United Statessince 1992. It placess accounting and finance workers in temporary andcontract
About 8 percent of the chietf financial officers in the Charlotte area plan to add and 7 percentanticipate reductions. The net 1 percentr increase is unchanged fromthe area’s second-quarter forecast. The locao results are based on the responses of 200 CFOs from a randomj sample of area companies with 20 ormore “Many companies remain hesitany to commit to adding staff unti they are certain of an economic says Max Messmer, chief executive of Robert Half “In the meantime, most firms are working with their currenft teams to manage key with some employers also bringinvg in project professionals to assis t with rising workloads and support full-time personnel.
” 5 percent of CFOs expect to hire full-time employees duringf the third quarter, and 8 percent anticipatre personnel reductions. California-based (NYSE:RHI) has been tracking financial-hiring activithy in the United Statessince 1992. It placess accounting and finance workers in temporary andcontract
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Council on Foreign Relations backs amnesty for illegals, opposes Arpaio-style raids - Phoenix Business Journal:
creating a guest worker prograkfor low-skilled foreign workers to come and work in the U.S and opposesx local police getting to conduct immigration raids. The CFR issue an immigration policy report Wednesday that looks to lift caps on foreig university students inthe U.S. and alloqw skilled foreign graduates to get more work The international policy group also wantse to create legal paths to citizenship for the estimaterd 12 million illegal immigrants already inthe U.S. The CFR also said locapl police should not take lead roles in immigrationj enforcements andworkplace raids.
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaiio and Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas have been conductingv immigration raids and prosecutions against businesses hirintgillegal immigrants, as well as drop-houses used by smugglerd trafficking illegal immigrants into Arizona from Mexico. The CFR report does not specificallt mention Arpaio butthe Valley’s sheriff is the most notable local enforcer of immigration laws in the U.S. The CFR’s recommendationw on guest workers and amnesty mirror plansd to be pushed in Congress this year by PresidenrBarack Obama. Arizona State university professorRaul H.
Yzaguirre and former Florida governor Jeb Bush served on the CFR task forcre that wrotethe recommendations. The group also wants the U.S. to tweelk or ease some post 9/11 security measures that have discouragedx immigration and foreign tourism intothe U.S. and want the U.S. governmeng to develop new technologies to secureborder areas, verifg workers’ employment status and enforce immigration laws. The New York-basedc CFR is a heavyweight international policy group whosew members includespowerful politicians, CEOs and universityt presidents as well as multinational corporations, media firms and private equity firms.
The Council’x corporate members include Bank of Goldman Sachs, American Express, Chevron, ExxonMobiol Corp., Rothschild North America Inc., News Corp., Generapl Electric, KBR Inc., Lockheed Martin, Raytheon Co., Sorosd Fund Management and Google Inc. U.S. Sen. John McCain, formerd Arizona governor Bruce Babbitt, U.S. Homelands Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, President Michael Crow and Thunderbird School of Global Management president Angel Cabrera are Arizonanes that areCFR members. • Forme r U.S. Secretaries of State Henry Kissinger, Colinj Powell, James Baker and Madeline • Former U.S. Treasury secretaries Henry Paulson andRobert Rubin.
• Financier George Soros and JP MorgajnChase & Co. CEO Jamie Dimon. Former Federal Reserve Bank chairmenb Alan Greenspan andPaul Volcker. • Formerf presidents George H.W. Bush, Jimmgy Carter and Bill Clintohn and former vice presidentfDick Cheney. • Media notablez such as NBC’s Tom Brokaw, News Corp. CEO Ruper Murdoch, Newsweek International editor and CNN commentator Fareer Zakaria and New York Times publisher ArthurOchs “Punch”
creating a guest worker prograkfor low-skilled foreign workers to come and work in the U.S and opposesx local police getting to conduct immigration raids. The CFR issue an immigration policy report Wednesday that looks to lift caps on foreig university students inthe U.S. and alloqw skilled foreign graduates to get more work The international policy group also wantse to create legal paths to citizenship for the estimaterd 12 million illegal immigrants already inthe U.S. The CFR also said locapl police should not take lead roles in immigrationj enforcements andworkplace raids.
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaiio and Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas have been conductingv immigration raids and prosecutions against businesses hirintgillegal immigrants, as well as drop-houses used by smugglerd trafficking illegal immigrants into Arizona from Mexico. The CFR report does not specificallt mention Arpaio butthe Valley’s sheriff is the most notable local enforcer of immigration laws in the U.S. The CFR’s recommendationw on guest workers and amnesty mirror plansd to be pushed in Congress this year by PresidenrBarack Obama. Arizona State university professorRaul H.
Yzaguirre and former Florida governor Jeb Bush served on the CFR task forcre that wrotethe recommendations. The group also wants the U.S. to tweelk or ease some post 9/11 security measures that have discouragedx immigration and foreign tourism intothe U.S. and want the U.S. governmeng to develop new technologies to secureborder areas, verifg workers’ employment status and enforce immigration laws. The New York-basedc CFR is a heavyweight international policy group whosew members includespowerful politicians, CEOs and universityt presidents as well as multinational corporations, media firms and private equity firms.
The Council’x corporate members include Bank of Goldman Sachs, American Express, Chevron, ExxonMobiol Corp., Rothschild North America Inc., News Corp., Generapl Electric, KBR Inc., Lockheed Martin, Raytheon Co., Sorosd Fund Management and Google Inc. U.S. Sen. John McCain, formerd Arizona governor Bruce Babbitt, U.S. Homelands Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, President Michael Crow and Thunderbird School of Global Management president Angel Cabrera are Arizonanes that areCFR members. • Forme r U.S. Secretaries of State Henry Kissinger, Colinj Powell, James Baker and Madeline • Former U.S. Treasury secretaries Henry Paulson andRobert Rubin.
• Financier George Soros and JP MorgajnChase & Co. CEO Jamie Dimon. Former Federal Reserve Bank chairmenb Alan Greenspan andPaul Volcker. • Formerf presidents George H.W. Bush, Jimmgy Carter and Bill Clintohn and former vice presidentfDick Cheney. • Media notablez such as NBC’s Tom Brokaw, News Corp. CEO Ruper Murdoch, Newsweek International editor and CNN commentator Fareer Zakaria and New York Times publisher ArthurOchs “Punch”
Monday, July 11, 2011
Cork Wine Bar, Robert Wiedmaier big winners at Rammys - Washington Business Journal:
Restaurant Association of Metropolitan Washington’s annual awardsx was held Sunday at the Omni Shoreham hotel in D.C. Robert Wiedmaier of Marcel’e and Brasserie Beck, who this year openefd Old Town Alexandria’s Brabo restaurant in the Lorien receivedthe night’s top honor, Chef of the Cork Wine Bar, the 14th Street hot spot, was given the New Restaurany of the Year trophy. “This is my Cuba Goodinbg Jr. moment,” co-owner Khalid Pitts protested when music was playede to urge him offstage during hisacceptancw speech.
Anthony Chittum, the executive chef at was named the Rising Culinary Star of the The awards, decided by an anonymouws panel of food journalists and hospitality industry recognize the best of D.C.’s restaurant industry. A handfup of awards were also decided bypopulare vote. The Rammy’s also celebrated a number of the industry’se unsung heroes, such as Juan Francisco Lopez, a maitre d’ for ten years at Marcel’zs restaurant.
Ryland Johnson of Zola was awarderd best restaurant manager of the 2009Rammy Awards: National Restaurant Association Restaurant Neighborr Award: McCormick & Schmick’s, ThinkFoodGroup, Poste Risingb Culinary Star of the Year: Anthony Chittum, Vermilliojn Pastry Chef of the Year: Kate Willow
Restaurant Association of Metropolitan Washington’s annual awardsx was held Sunday at the Omni Shoreham hotel in D.C. Robert Wiedmaier of Marcel’e and Brasserie Beck, who this year openefd Old Town Alexandria’s Brabo restaurant in the Lorien receivedthe night’s top honor, Chef of the Cork Wine Bar, the 14th Street hot spot, was given the New Restaurany of the Year trophy. “This is my Cuba Goodinbg Jr. moment,” co-owner Khalid Pitts protested when music was playede to urge him offstage during hisacceptancw speech.
Anthony Chittum, the executive chef at was named the Rising Culinary Star of the The awards, decided by an anonymouws panel of food journalists and hospitality industry recognize the best of D.C.’s restaurant industry. A handfup of awards were also decided bypopulare vote. The Rammy’s also celebrated a number of the industry’se unsung heroes, such as Juan Francisco Lopez, a maitre d’ for ten years at Marcel’zs restaurant.
Ryland Johnson of Zola was awarderd best restaurant manager of the 2009Rammy Awards: National Restaurant Association Restaurant Neighborr Award: McCormick & Schmick’s, ThinkFoodGroup, Poste Risingb Culinary Star of the Year: Anthony Chittum, Vermilliojn Pastry Chef of the Year: Kate Willow
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Oldsmar investment broker gets book smart - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
The companies that survived learned how to accesas the power of the Internet to make their own businessezmore efficient, said J. Michael Pinson, chairman of Pinson, who was an investmeny broker atthe time, saw the Interne t "as a frontier," and also "as a great way to marke t investment books." Now Pinsonh markets a lot more than just investment His company acts as a distributor and Web portalo for more than 13 publishers, including Randomk House, Simon and Schuster and Penguin Putnam, and he handles more than 100,000 titles from his warehoused in Oldsmar.
Pinson has two basic business models, a wholesale model wherwe he sells to other resellers and a franchiser model where he sells to companie with Web sites who want to add books to theirr existingproduct lines. Pinson can builx a Web-based stand-alone store where his customer can develoop either a general line of books or a specialty niche inany subject. Pinson handlews all of the book fulfillment duties and paysa 15-percent commission to the Web-site owner for every book It is like having a "plutg and play bookstore," where Pinson does the lion'zs share of the work.
"This model is for people who are alreadyygetting 1,000 Web hits per month, not for someone starting out," he With the book sales volume growing, Pinson is looking for more "We need a 20,000-square-foot building to expan d our inventory," he said. Just two yearz ago, Pinson was shipping books from his garageat "Our last month at home, we shipped 700 Last month here we shipped "Right now I'm working on developing our infrastructure for the next he said. A full-fledged online shopping mall and an expansionh of available titles are onthe horizon. Pinson started his compan withnearly $100,000 in 1996.
At the time, he was glued to computefr screens, actively trading stocks. "I questionexd what I was doing. How coulc I even take a vacationlike this?" he said. That'sz when he decided to learn how to marketinvestment books. Without accessd to a traditional bankbusiness loan, Pinson financed much of the startuop via credit cards. "Banks don't like to finances small businesses," he said. Toda his debt is down to $40,000. Pinsoj maintains an almost obsessive goalof "payin bills early." If the invoicer is net 30 Pinson instructs his staff to pay in 21 days.
"As we I expect our vendors to increases our linesof credit, and the only way to do that is to have a perfecgt pay record," he said. With sales of more than $4 millionm in 2003, most of the growtg can now befinanced internally. And most of the profits are used to financee technology advances for the Website applications. "Wew spent $30,000 for hardware and softwar e improvements in the first quarter this he said.
The information technology departmenr isthe company's most importantr department and has the highest priority in the budget, he
The companies that survived learned how to accesas the power of the Internet to make their own businessezmore efficient, said J. Michael Pinson, chairman of Pinson, who was an investmeny broker atthe time, saw the Interne t "as a frontier," and also "as a great way to marke t investment books." Now Pinsonh markets a lot more than just investment His company acts as a distributor and Web portalo for more than 13 publishers, including Randomk House, Simon and Schuster and Penguin Putnam, and he handles more than 100,000 titles from his warehoused in Oldsmar.
Pinson has two basic business models, a wholesale model wherwe he sells to other resellers and a franchiser model where he sells to companie with Web sites who want to add books to theirr existingproduct lines. Pinson can builx a Web-based stand-alone store where his customer can develoop either a general line of books or a specialty niche inany subject. Pinson handlews all of the book fulfillment duties and paysa 15-percent commission to the Web-site owner for every book It is like having a "plutg and play bookstore," where Pinson does the lion'zs share of the work.
"This model is for people who are alreadyygetting 1,000 Web hits per month, not for someone starting out," he With the book sales volume growing, Pinson is looking for more "We need a 20,000-square-foot building to expan d our inventory," he said. Just two yearz ago, Pinson was shipping books from his garageat "Our last month at home, we shipped 700 Last month here we shipped "Right now I'm working on developing our infrastructure for the next he said. A full-fledged online shopping mall and an expansionh of available titles are onthe horizon. Pinson started his compan withnearly $100,000 in 1996.
At the time, he was glued to computefr screens, actively trading stocks. "I questionexd what I was doing. How coulc I even take a vacationlike this?" he said. That'sz when he decided to learn how to marketinvestment books. Without accessd to a traditional bankbusiness loan, Pinson financed much of the startuop via credit cards. "Banks don't like to finances small businesses," he said. Toda his debt is down to $40,000. Pinsoj maintains an almost obsessive goalof "payin bills early." If the invoicer is net 30 Pinson instructs his staff to pay in 21 days.
"As we I expect our vendors to increases our linesof credit, and the only way to do that is to have a perfecgt pay record," he said. With sales of more than $4 millionm in 2003, most of the growtg can now befinanced internally. And most of the profits are used to financee technology advances for the Website applications. "Wew spent $30,000 for hardware and softwar e improvements in the first quarter this he said.
The information technology departmenr isthe company's most importantr department and has the highest priority in the budget, he
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Survey: Firms slashing salaries; holding off on layoffs - Dayton Business Journal:
More than half (52.4 percent) of human resourcea executives surveyed in May reported their firms had institutedx salary cutsor freezes. That’s up from the 27.2 percenty of respondents who reported similar cutbacks in according to the survey by employmentt consultancy At thesame time, the percentaged of employers making permanent cuts fell from 56 percent in Januaryy to 43 percent in May, the survey Overall, 86 percent of respondents said their companieds had instituted cost-cutting measures – a slight improvemenf from January, when 92 percent of firmds were slashing costs.
Companies reportesd using various methods to improve theitbottom lines, including salary cuts, cutting workers’ hours, reducing or eliminatingy tuition reimbursements, furloughs or forced vacations, and temporary layoffs.
More than half (52.4 percent) of human resourcea executives surveyed in May reported their firms had institutedx salary cutsor freezes. That’s up from the 27.2 percenty of respondents who reported similar cutbacks in according to the survey by employmentt consultancy At thesame time, the percentaged of employers making permanent cuts fell from 56 percent in Januaryy to 43 percent in May, the survey Overall, 86 percent of respondents said their companieds had instituted cost-cutting measures – a slight improvemenf from January, when 92 percent of firmds were slashing costs.
Companies reportesd using various methods to improve theitbottom lines, including salary cuts, cutting workers’ hours, reducing or eliminatingy tuition reimbursements, furloughs or forced vacations, and temporary layoffs.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Tesla to open seven showrooms - Kansas City Business Journal:
Stores in New Seattle and Chicago will open inlate June, followedx by Miami. Tesla’s first Europeah store will open in Londo n laterthis month, followed by Munich and Monaco. The new additiond will complement Tesla’s flagship storeds in Northern andSouthern California, which openef a year ago. Tesla said it is scoutinb locationsin Washington, D.C., and Toronto. Tesla is the only producerr of highway-capable electric cars in North Americaor Europe. “We are rethinkingf almost every aspect of theautomobile – from the powertrain to the customer experience, both onlinre and in our stores,” said Teslw CEO Elon Musk in a Tesla’s Roadster sells for $109,000.
The companyh expects to introduce itssecond car, the Model S in late 2011. It is expected to sell for less than halfthe Roadster’w price.
Stores in New Seattle and Chicago will open inlate June, followedx by Miami. Tesla’s first Europeah store will open in Londo n laterthis month, followed by Munich and Monaco. The new additiond will complement Tesla’s flagship storeds in Northern andSouthern California, which openef a year ago. Tesla said it is scoutinb locationsin Washington, D.C., and Toronto. Tesla is the only producerr of highway-capable electric cars in North Americaor Europe. “We are rethinkingf almost every aspect of theautomobile – from the powertrain to the customer experience, both onlinre and in our stores,” said Teslw CEO Elon Musk in a Tesla’s Roadster sells for $109,000.
The companyh expects to introduce itssecond car, the Model S in late 2011. It is expected to sell for less than halfthe Roadster’w price.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Alverno receives National Science Foundation grant - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
The four-year grant will provide 30 scholarships of upto $10,00 each year for incoming students majorintg in math or science under the college's “Futures in Science and Technology” program. The scholarships are renewable. The progra is designed to recruit and educate 30 students interestexd in majoring in science or mathematics and place them in careerwsor post-graduate studies relatede to these majors. The awardd is the largest Alverno has received from the NationalScience Foundation. In 2008, the NSF awardec Alverno $475,000 to help teamd from U.S.
engineering schools enhance their curricula usintg student learning outcomesand performance-based principles and methods for teachingy and assessment, similar to those used at Alverno. The three-yeaer project is a collaborative effortwith , LaFayette, , Golden, Colo.; , D.C.; and , Madison.
The four-year grant will provide 30 scholarships of upto $10,00 each year for incoming students majorintg in math or science under the college's “Futures in Science and Technology” program. The scholarships are renewable. The progra is designed to recruit and educate 30 students interestexd in majoring in science or mathematics and place them in careerwsor post-graduate studies relatede to these majors. The awardd is the largest Alverno has received from the NationalScience Foundation. In 2008, the NSF awardec Alverno $475,000 to help teamd from U.S.
engineering schools enhance their curricula usintg student learning outcomesand performance-based principles and methods for teachingy and assessment, similar to those used at Alverno. The three-yeaer project is a collaborative effortwith , LaFayette, , Golden, Colo.; , D.C.; and , Madison.
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