Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Texas Cord Blood Bank expands to Houston - San Antonio Business Journal:

Although umbilical cords are usuallg discarded after the birth ofa baby, umbilicakl cord blood is rich in stem cells that make blood. Cord bloof can also be used to treat diseases suchas leukemia, sickle-cell anemia, severe immune-systemn disorders, as well as neurologicalp problems and genetic defects affecting the blood-makinb system. Health officials at St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospitalo and in Houston have already begujn collecting umbilical cords donated by Houston families to thepublic cord-blood bank. Since last November, some 300 cord blood units havebeen collected.
The Texas Cord Blood Bank is a division of the in San The blood bank has a missionh of providing treatment options for thenearlgy 30,000 individuals worldwide who are on the waitingy list for a stem cell Expanding to Houston through these type of partnerships will help the bloocd bank achieve its goal. The blood bank already has relationshipws with a number of hospitals in San Dallas and the Rio Grande Valley region to gatherr and extract umbilicalcord blood.
“The collaboration with the Texas Cord Bloox Bank andTexas Children’s Hospital will be a valuablre asset to our patients and the community as it givee the opportunity to providse the option and benefits of public banking,” says Amy vice chair of the Departmen t of Obstetrics and Gynecology at . Medical researcheras are exploring new uses for umbilicakl cordstem cells, including the treatment of premature infants, cancer, cardiogenic disorders, diabetes and asthma.
It may be possibled to store a newborn’s own cord blood to ensurde that the baby will have a sourcew of stem cells that is anexact match, with no risk of A baby’s siblings may possibly provide an exact stem cell match as well. “This is an importantg time in the Texas CordBloodx Bank’s history, as we expand opportunities throughout the state,” says Norman D. the president and CEO of the Soutg TexasBlood & Tissue Center, the parentf organization of the Texas Cord Blood Bank.
“This partnership is important as we look for opportunities to grow the By the endof 2008, we had secured the participatio n of nine hospitals in less than two years, which has alloweds us to already begin supplying this life-savingt resource to people of all ages. ...” Web www.bloodntissue.org

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