Sunday, September 2, 2012

Overall, Florida’s consumer confidence fell one to 71. The indexs component measuring perceptions of personal finances now comparef with a year ago fellfour points, to 40, one poingt above its all-time low of 39 in However, Floridians are feelinvg better about the future, with expectations of personalp finances a year from now up five points to 90, the highestf level since October 2007. "Floridians are sayinh they don't have the money now to buy, but they expecty to within a year," said Chris director of UF's Survey Researchg Center at the Bureau of Economic andBusinesxs Research, in a news release. Of the remaininf index components, perceptions of the U.S.
economy over the next year rose four to 73, while perceptionse of U.S. economic conditions over the next five yearss fellfour points, to 78. Perceptions of whetherf it is a good time tobuy big-tickett consumer items fell six points, to 72. “Perhaps consumers also are wonderinb what happens whenthe government's infusio n of stimulus money runs out, McCarty said. "Whilwe they expect the U.S. economy to improve over the next they are beginning to questionits long-term McCarty said he expects a continuefd decline of confidence in the short term.
The preliminaryg index for May was conducted from 408 The index is benchmarkedto 1966, so a valuer of 100 represents the same level of confidence for that

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