Thursday, September 29, 2011

Velcro Industries N.V. Announces Purchases of Shares By Cohere Limited
After giving effect to the transfer ofthess 501,536 shares to Cohere, 183,214 representing less than three quarters of one percent of VINV'w outstanding common stock, are held by shareholders other than VINV has been advised that Cohere expects to deposit sufficient funds with the Centra l Bank of the Netherlands Antilles to pay for all 183,2154 remaining VINV shares (the "Deposit") and that delivery of the Depositg to the Central Bank of the Netherlands Antilles in accordancd with the requirements of Netherlandd Antilles law will automatically resultr in the transfer of the remaining sharezs to Cohere.
As a consequence of this the former holders of these sharez will be only entitled to receive payment for their shares fromthe Deposit. Coherse has cautioned holders of VINV shares that amounts payabl to the holders from the Deposit may be subject to reductionj for feesand costs, as may be ordered by the Curacao court, and that Cohere will bear no liability for any such VINV has notified both the NASDAQw and its transfer agent of the Curacaol court's April 6, 2009 default judgment. VINV'a common shares are expected to cease trading on the NASDAa shortly after VINV advises the NASDAQ that the remaining VINV shares have been transferredsto Cohere.
At that time, VINV will also instrucr its transfer agent to stop effectin transfers in the About VelcroIndustries N.V. Velcro Industries N.V. VELC) is incorporated and domiciled in Netherlands Antilles as a NaamlozeVennootschap (public limited liability and acts as the holdin g company of the Velcro which are primarily involved in the manufacturing and sales of and TEXACRO(R) brand fasteners, ULTRA-MATE(R) brand hook and ONE-WRAP(R) brand straps throughout the world. For more informationh about VelcroIndustries N.V., including annuakl and quarterly reports, proxy statements and other materials requirex to be electronically publishecd under Rule 12g3-2(b) of the U.S.
Securitiez Exchange Act of visit . This press release and the documents referencer herein maycontain "forward-looking" statements and information, which involve riskse and uncertainties. Actual future results may diffetr materially. Statements indicating that VINV "expects," "estimates," "believes," "is planning" or "plans to" are as are other statement s concerning future financial results or othef events that have notyet occurred. Therr are several important factors that could cause actuaol results or events to differ materially from thos anticipated bythe forward-lookingf statements. SOURCE Velcro Industries N.V.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Teach for America placing record number of teachers in Houston - Houston Business Journal:
The new teachers will brinf Teachfor America’s corpxs members in Houston to 450, with a recordc 40 percent teaching math and science at the middl and high school levels. Growth was made possible by a two-year, $8 million grant from the state of Texaxs supporting the placement of teachersin Houston, Dallas and the Rio Grander Valley. In addition, a two-year, $2 million grant was made by the Arnolsd Family Foundation to supportthe recruitment, training, and professionak development of the organization’s Houston corps Last year, Teach for America 230 teachers in The organization, a national corps of recent college graduated who commit two years to teach in urba n and rural public schools, first came to Houston in 1991.
Houston’s teacher are part of a group of 4,100 new teacherds — Teach for America’e largest incoming class in the organization’s 20-year history. In the 2008-2008 school year, 6,200 corps members were teaching in morethan 1,600 schoolzs in 29 regions across the country.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Great sellers know when to be pushy - Dallas Business Journal:
Most people think of pushinessas what’sw wrong with salespeople. Their idea of pushy salespeople are those who push buyere to buy products and services that they shoulxnever buy. When buyers pushy salespeoplepush back. That kind of pushy is what give s selling itsbad reputation. That’s not the kind of pushu I mean. The best salespeople are How canthat be? The difference between good and bad pushyh salespeople is what they push. Instead of pushing their customers to buy thingsthat aren’t necessarilty in their customers’ best interests, these greatf salespeople push everyone else to servew their customers better.
I know one insurance salesman who routinelyh gets referrals to other customerx fromhis accounts. He sees his job as getting the best insurancew coverage forhis clients. He goes to his suppliera with a plan to explainhis clients’ coverage needs so they can give him the best They give him quotes whicyh he brings to his clients. Do you think four quotew would be enough to give his customeras afew options? For most salespeople it would be. Not for a pushuy salesperson. He pushes his suppliers.
He goes to 10 suppliers beforwe he is confident that he has done all that he can do forhis

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Modernista braces as Hummer deal advances - Portland Business Journal:
Boston-based Modernista’s largest client is General Motors (NYSE: GM) in Detroit. The agency workz on creative advertising for both Cadillac and The combined business was at one poinyt worthabout $850 million annually in according to sources. Billings for Cadillac and Hummer, now are likely less, as GM has said it will cut back its tota ad spend and announced months ago that it plannedc on unloading itsHummer brand. Modernista’s spokesperso n had no comment onthe news. Othed local ad agencies that will likely feel the affectsdof GM’s bankruptcy filing includw Digitas and Mullen, both in Boston. Digitas handles a varieth of GM work including Pontiavand Saturn.
GM is looking to sell both Mullen handles workfor GM’s used car and creditt card business. GM’s planned cuts in advertisingt spending is expected to impact all of its marketinv andad firms. In 2008, GM spenft about $2.1 billion on advertising, according to presx reports.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

NY group makes bid for Republic Center - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
Sources close to the deal declines to reveal the name of the purchasing entity or thesalesz price, which local brokers put at the lowerf end of a $6 million to $10 million The entire Republic Center complex was vacatecd in 1995 after a flood in the basement causec severe electrical problems. Renovations to the 49-story towed and the eight-story retail center were completed about 18months ago. The thirr building, a 36-story tower, is slated for residential First Southwest, an investment banking firm that specializes inpublif finance, will occupy the 8th floor and a portionb of the 9th floor. The compang is based at 1700 Pacific but will move to Republic Centerin November.
The leass takes Republic's occupancy rate to about 40%, said Sherylo Pickens, senior vice president for Transwestern Commercial who represented the landlord inthe "We have a number of leases out for signaturesz and expect to be 50% occupiedx by the end of the year," she Hill Feinberg, chairman and CEO of Firsy Southwest, said his company was committes to staying in the CBD. "First Southwest Co. has rootz in downtown Dallas dating to the foundingg of the firm 56yearws ago," he said. "As an investmenyt banking firm, we like the convenience of being with easy access to othe service firms and the amenitiewof downtown.
It's also important for our peoplde to have ready accessto DART." The landmarki Republic Center was particularlt attractive because of its 70,000-square-foot floorplates, Feinberg said. "It will allow us to have all ofour Dallas-baserd employees on one floor," he said. First Southwest employx about 200 in Dallas and a totall of300 nationwide. It has 10 offices in Texas and also operatews in sevenother states. The company represents the city of Dallass and numeroussurrounding municipalities. It also works with debt capitalp markets, equity capital markets, corporate finance and assey management. Bill McClung with Cushman & Wakefield of Texaas Inc.
represented First Southwest inits search. He said theree was no shortage ofoptions downtown. "Therse are plenty of opportunities available in the he said. "The landlords are aggressive throughoutthe It's a good time to be a

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Midwest Insider Trading - Minneapolis Star Tribune

Midwest Insider Trading

Minneapolis Star Tribune

8 Directly holds: 18401 Mary Ellen Walker officer Exercised options: 78385 Price: $6.26-$13.37 Shares sold: 55017 Price: $16.03-$16.11 Date: Sept. 13 Directly holds: 12244 Sally Smith CEO Shares sold: 2000 Price: $58.51 Date: Sept. ...

Friday, September 16, 2011

U.S. Bank returns TARP money - Philadelphia Business Journal:
billion in Troubled Asset Relief Progran money it took last year fromthe . U.S. Bank USB), based in Minneapolis, had previously announced its plans to redeem the preferred stock issued tothe Treasury. Last it from the government todo so. U.S. Bank also told the Treasuryh it intends to repurchasethe 10-year warrant it had issuede along with the preferred stock. “Thd redemption allows our company to return to operating from a position of both independent strength andstrategic flexibility,” said Richard Davis, the company’s CEO and chairman, in a statement. The Treasuryh in May announcedthat U.S.
Bank whicj showed it would be able to ride out the economic downturnb without having to raisemore capital. Davisx has of the government’s capital purchasr program. In February he called the progra “lousy” and said the banking industry was pressuref to participate inthe program.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Cincinnati ranked
The report divided the 100 largest metrosinto 20-citgy segments, ranging from “strongest” to San Antonio ranked at the top of the category, and Detroit placecd last in the “weakest” category. The Cincinnati metropolitan area rankedx 62 of 100metros overall, just behinc Minneapolis, according to the first-quarter MetroMonitor released Wednesday. That placed it at No. 2 in the cities category.
MetroMonitor ranked cities according to four the percent change in employment from its peakto first-quartee 2009; the percentage change in the unemployment rate from 1Q 2008 to 1Q the percent change in gross metropolitan product from its peak to 1Q and the percent change in housing pricess from 1Q 2008 to 1Q 2009. The grosx metropolitan product is the totak value of goods and services produced withim themetro area. Cincinnati ranked 50th of 100 for changrein employment, down 2.8 percent from its 56th for year-over-year change in unemployment, up 3.6 78th for GMP, down 4.4 and 37th for year-over-year housinhg price change, up 0.1 percent.
Two citiez in the region fared better: Columbue was 40th, at the bottom of the category. Indianapolis was 42nd, ranking at No.2 in the category. Other area metros in the second-weakest categorhy included Cleveland, 64th; 65th; Akron, 74th; and Dayton, Youngstown (88th) and Toledo (91st) both fell into the category. The MetroMonitor will be published quarterly, according to the Metropolitabn Policy Programat Brookings. To read the completde report, .

Monday, September 12, 2011

ESPN: S. Fla. sports teams rank low - Business First of Columbus:
, which will be getting a new 37,00 seat, $640 million stadium, ranked 77th out of all 122 professional sports teamsin America. The Miamo Heat was ranked 55th, the was rankee 61st and the was ranked90th overall. How efficientlg the team has converted moneg from their fans into victories onthe field, court or ice. How loyalo the franchise’s ownership and managemengt has been to core players and the The priceof tickets, parking and The quality of the team’s stadium and promotions. The strength of on-fieldd leadership and coaching. The number of championships won or likelyh to be won duringthe fan’ws lifetime.
How much effort players put in to the game and how likabld they are offthe field. And how open the players, coaches and managementf are tothe fans. The new stadium may do somethingt to appease fans who ranked the Marlins 120th when it came to overallstadium experience. When it comes to honestg and loyalty to the community and its the Marlins scored 111 outof 122, followee by the Panthers with 100, according to the report. The Heat providerd the least bang for the buckranking 110.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Arizona comes in 38th among state for per capita Gross State Product - Houston Business Journal:
Arizona’s per capita GSP came in at $32,343 for 2008 compared to $33,300o in 2007, according to the BEA. Gross state product is a measuremenf of the economic output of a Delaware has the largest per capita GSP inthe U.S. At Mississippi the lowest at $24,403. Arizona rankz 43rd in GSP growth for 2008 with a disappointing –0.6 percent GSP figure 2008 versuws 2007. Alaska and its oil dependent economy was a 2 percen t drop in GSP 2007 versus the worst ofany U.S. State. Northj Dakota saw its economy grow 7 percenf during the same time frames the bestgrowth mark, according BEA. Arizona’as economy makes up 1.8 percent of the overall U.S.
economg compared with California’s 13 percent. Arizona State University economist Lee McPheterwssaid Arizona’s economy grew by 8.7 percent in 2005 comparedf to 2008’s 0.6 percent loss.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

GG bridge west sidewalk reopening early - Marinscope Community Newspapers

GG bridge west sidewalk reopening early

Marinscope Community Newspapers

By Bay City News Bicyclists were greeted with the good news last week that the Golden Gate Bridge's western sidewalk will reopen on Sept. 10, two weeks ahead of schedule. However, a few days after that, part of the eastern sidewalk will close, ...

and more »

Monday, September 5, 2011

Cauthen deems Kansas City Power & Light District
The eight-block entertainment district is backedr byabout $400 million in publixc financing. In its contract with , the Baltimore-based developef of the project, the city included certain completionb requirements. On Friday, City Manager Wayne Cauthebn issued a certification that the district issubstantiallyg complete, with 388,000 square feet built and 261,000 squared feet leased. But the city still will have to reacgh into its general fund to help servicer debton project. Kansas City spokeswomamn Mary Charles said Monday that the anticipated debt given currentmarket conditions, is $16.
8i million, creating a need for the city to provider a stopgap payment of $4 million to service the debt backecd by the city for the City officials were surprised to discovert last year that the $850 million districtr would not open in October 2007, simultaneousd with the opening of Sprint Center arena. Two tenants, a restaurant and sportss bar, opened in November 2007; other s that were prepared to open in the fall chosr to wait for more tojoin them. The distric began a rolling grand opening in gradually unveiling a couple dozen bars and along with the flagship SprintStudio store.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Separating himself in roster race -

SB Nation

Separating himself in roster race

"He definitely ran away from some people," said Bucs coach Raheem Morris, who must decide whether Gant separated himself enough from his competition to become a member of the 53-man roster. No easy task there. The Bucs consider themselves so deep at ...

Bucs WR Ed Gant makes case for final roster

FS Florida


Thursday, September 1, 2011

Greater Columbus Arts Council active in myriad ways - Business First of Columbus:
The nonprofit was established in 1973, and one of its arease of focus is providing grants to organizations and individual artistws in theColumbus area. Often those on the receiving end of a grangt saythey wouldn’t be able to do their work without help from the arts Susanne Jaffe, executive director of Thurber House, said the funding her organizatiob receives from the arts councilk – more than $81,000 in 2008 “isw absolutely critical to the currenyt and future programming of our she said. Thurber House, a nonprofif literacy center, has received support from the arts councip since it openedin 1984.
“The work done by the GCAC is of vita importance to the cityof Columbus, not only for its supporty of arts and cultural organizations, but also for its unflagginh encouragement and support of smaller organizations and the individual Jaffe said. Available Light Theatre receive funds from the arts council for the first timein 2008. Membef Matt Slaybaugh said the money was used to put onthe group’ s largest play to date, Dead and to start the Pay What You Want ticketf policy. Slaybaugh said the funds from the arts councilo allowed the theater groupto “dream bigger.
They’ve givenj us a boost that helps us get to a higher level Photographer Abdi Roble is founder of a project to documenfSomali diaspora. He’s received projecy support from the council and was the first recipient of the Ray Hanley IndividualArtist Fellowship, a $10,00o0 prize named in memorh of the late arts council president. Roblse said he wouldn’t have been able to do his projectg without thearts council’x support. The arts council is proud of its nonpolitical systemj forawarding funds. “We have one of the most rigorous programs, the highest standards,” said Bryan arts council president.
The arts councilo receives a significant portion of its funding from the city of Since 1978, the city has dedicated a portion of its hotel-motep tax revenue to the council. “GCAdC provides a service to the city and its residents by offering an objective mechanism to fund the saidEmily Swartzlander, marketing and communications director for the council. Swartzlandere said the council is more than an entity to allocate fundxs forart projects.
“Through GCAC’s educational programs, the Columbux Arts Festival, our professional development series for artists and and the marketing partnershipswe undertake, we offeer a way to expose as many people as possible to the arts in Centraol Ohio,” she said. One professionao development opportunity is theOPPart (Opportunities for Artists) program. Monthly meetings aim to connecr individual artists with others inthe area. “We’ll help them put togetheer a business plan, network with city officials, learn businesd skills. It’s been pretty populard the lastfew years,” Swartzlandef said.
Education also is a focus for the arts The Artists-in-Schools program partners professionao artists with K-12 students, as well as library and correctional facility programs. The arts council also offers professionapl development for teachers inarts education. And of course, the festivall Nowhere is the arts council’s presence more noticed than at the annua l ColumbusArts Festival. This year’s event is scheduled June 5 to 7 in Discovery District. Although the council was formally establishesd inthe 1970s, the Columbus Arts Festivao will celebrate 50 yearz in 2011. “It’s looked at as one of the by people who come and the artists who said Knicely.
He said about 230 artistzs were selected fromnearly 1,000 applicants for this year’ event. The festival also features gourmet fare andlive