Sunday, April 17, 2011

Women have had major role in top companies - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
Despite efforts in recent years to encourage corporations to increase the number of women ontheie boards, there’s been littlr movement in recent years, according to a reportt issued Oct. 7 by the Forum of Executive Women. Nevertheless, women have played very significant roleas at someof Atlanta’s top companiez during the past 30 years. Paula Rosput Reynoldx was named president and CEOof Atlanta-based in Augusrt 2000 and elected chairman of the board in Februarg 2002. In 1988, she had joined the compang as president and chief operating officert ofAGL Resources’ Atlanta Gas Lightf utility.
Before joining AGL Resources, Rosput served as presidentg of Duke EnergyNorth America, president of and senioe vice president of Pacific Gas Transmission. Reynolds servef on the United Way of MetropolitanAtlantw Inc., the Georgia Research Alliance, the Georgia Chamber of Commerce, the Commerce Club of Atlanta and the American Gas Association. She is a director of AGL (NYSE: CCE) and (NYSE: DAL). She was named to ’s Business Hall of Fame in 2004. At the beginning of 2006, Reynolds left AGL to becomew CEOof Seattle-based Another former Atlanta woman business leader now leads another major U.S. M. Michele Burns has served as chairman and CEO of Merce r LLC sinceSeptember 2006.
Mercere is a subsidiary of . MMC). Burns joined Marsb & McLennan in March 2006 as executiv vice president and chief financial A director ofand , she previously servedd as executive vice president, chief restructuring officer and chief financia l officer at Atlanta-based following its bankruptcy filinv in 2003, where she spearheadedx the development of a new capital structurew and business reorganization plan. Before joining Burns was CFO of Delt aAir Lines. Only two Georgia public companies are currentl ledby women: M. Christine Jacobs has led biomedica device makersince 1993. Jean Diamonc has led electronics distributor as CEOsince 2005.
However, many of Georgia’s largest public companiew have had women boarrd members overthe years. Mary Johnston Evans served 20 yearws on the board of Delta Air from 1982 untilApril 2002. At the time she joines Delta’s board, she also served on the boardsof , , , New Europ e Fund and Joan E. then-president of the , joined Delta’s board in January 2002 and servecd untilJuly 2005. And in August 2004, Paula Rospuyt Reynolds joined Delta’s board. (Delta shareholders on Sept. 25 approves the company’s merger with Deltas said in August it had not determined whichb directors would be appointedf to thecombined company’s board other than Deltaz Chairman Daniel A.
Carp, CEO Richar d H. Anderson, Northwest Chairman Roy J. Bostoci and Northwest CEO Douglas M. Steenland.) At The M. Faye Wilson served on the boar d from 1992until 2001. She was the chairmanj and president of Home Depot addesd another woman to its boardin 1999, Bonnie G. Hill of LLC. Then in Karen L. Katen of the joined the has also had womej directors overthe years. Susanh B. King of served as a Coke director from 1991 toJuly 2004. Cathiee Black, now president of and instrumentalo in the successof , has served as a Coke directoe since 1993. Maria Elena then CEO of , joined Coke’x board in 2003. She steppedx down in April 2006 when she joineed an affiliate of AndAlexis M.
Hermanj joined Coke’s board last

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