Friday, April 29, 2011

Wells Fargo continues integration of Wachovia with name change - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
The change reflects the bank’s continuedc integration with , which acquired Charlotte-basesd on Dec. 31. “By adopting the Welles Fargo nameand brand, we’re now fully part of one of the world’zs most respected financial companies,” says Neil Ryan, chief executivs of Wells Fargo Bank International. “We look forward to satisfyint all of our financial needs across Europe and helping themsucceedf financially.” Wells Fargo Bank International is a European Uniohn bank headquartered in Ireland.
In addition, Wellas Fargo’s investment-banking and capital-markets businesses, which formerly operatef under the Wachovia Securities and certain WellsxFargo brands, have taken the name Wells Fargo Retail brokerage products and services formerlu marketed as Wachovia Securities are now offeredx through Wells Fargo Advisors. Wells Fargo (NYSE:WFC) is based in San

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Apple, Google, Microsoft, others may be under scrutiny for hiring practices - Portland Business Journal:
"Guys, we have a problem," Ballmer says. "Somew of our best employees are job-hopping like feasting on the higher wages and better perks from ourcompetitorsx — that would be you. Now I know we'ved gone on plenty of raiding partiee ourselves. But it's just time to stop the madness. I'm readyt to reach a gentlemen's agreement not to poach your superstardsif you'll do likewise." Jobs doesn'ty hesitate. "I'm tired of paying moving expenses from And it's getting old hearing some of my employees whininvg about how great the perks were when they were at Google. I'm all for a The Google guys speain unison: "Count us in!
" The specific meetintg we described, of took place only in our imagination. But the reportedl wants to knowif tech's big boys really have been colludinv to keep their top talengt from jumping ship. The and , citing unnamed sources, repory that the investigation is preliminary and focusee ona who’s who of Silicon Valley tech companiexs including search giant Google, its rivap , iPhone maker Apple and biotech firm . reports that the Justice Departmenft has issued formal requests for documentfrom “at least a dozen” tech companies.
“If they are as is being investigated then it is a seriouspotential anti-trustg case,” said Albert Foer, president of the Americam Antitrust Institute. Collusion between the companies couledepress wages. In 2001, Supreme Court nominee Judge Sonia Sotomayor wrote an appeals court opinion siding with a groul of oil geologists and petroleum engineersa who claimed and other oil companies were colluding inhiring decisions. Collusion could also damagw the innovation for which Silicon Valleis famous, by keeping talenterd people from moving to new companies and bringing with them freshb ideas.
“One of the things that feedzs innovation is peoplemoving around,” Foer “Whereas Silicon Valley is famous for peopl e moving around … that practice would be tailingb off or ended by such an between companies not to poach While the tech world may be famous for talentes people jumping from company to company, thosse jumps haven’t always been exactly amicable, and tech firmse often tie top talent to contractsa that restrict them from going to work for the competitionm for set periods of time.
In the moves of talent from one tech behemotb to another have sometimes landed in as when former Microsoftemployee Kai-Fui Lee went to work for Google, John Oates point s out at . So it’sa not out of the realmm of reason to imagine tech bosses looking to keep top talen from moving without the hassles ofcourr fights. But already, the federal probe is drawing skepticism in the Larry Dignan, writing on ZDNet’s calls the probe a fishin expedition with “waste of time written all over it.
” As Dignanm points out, it’s pretty unlikeluy that there are any smoking gun agreementss lying around the offices of the tech titans, and he “Top talent isn’t that restricted. Google execs go to They go to AOL. Yahoo execs go to Microsoft execs goto Google. In fact, you can make quite a career just hopping between those aforementioned The probe comes as the government is steppingf up scrutiny ofthe often-cozyy relationships in the high-tech sector. Assistant Attorney Generall Christine Varney, who is in chargs of the DOJ's Antitrust that the department would be takinf a closer look at activities inthe industry.
The Federakl Trade Commission to Google earlier in the year becaused ofantitrust concerns. FTC questions concerned the overlap of directorsz between Google and Genentech Google boss Eric Schmidt sits on theApplr Inc. board with Art Levinson, who was CEO of Genentecgh at the time. Regulators also called a halt to an advertising revenuee sharing deal Google madewith Yahoo.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Mike Thompson: Your cell phone and the State Police - Detroit Free Press (blog)

ABC News

Mike Thompson: Your cell phone and the State Police

Detroit Free Press (blog)

They're known as data extraction devices and can download everything stored on a cell phone in mere minutes, even information that's been deleted. And their use by Michigan State Police has generated a serious controversy. ...

Data Pirates (AKA C! ops) Can Hack Your Cell Phone

The Business Insider

Searching cells

Tribune Review

ACLU Upset Over Cell Phone Extraction Device


Chicago Tribune -Reuters -WSJM


Friday, April 22, 2011

Sacramento Business Journal: About the paper
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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Women have had major role in top companies - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
Despite efforts in recent years to encourage corporations to increase the number of women ontheie boards, there’s been littlr movement in recent years, according to a reportt issued Oct. 7 by the Forum of Executive Women. Nevertheless, women have played very significant roleas at someof Atlanta’s top companiez during the past 30 years. Paula Rosput Reynoldx was named president and CEOof Atlanta-based in Augusrt 2000 and elected chairman of the board in Februarg 2002. In 1988, she had joined the compang as president and chief operating officert ofAGL Resources’ Atlanta Gas Lightf utility.
Before joining AGL Resources, Rosput served as presidentg of Duke EnergyNorth America, president of and senioe vice president of Pacific Gas Transmission. Reynolds servef on the United Way of MetropolitanAtlantw Inc., the Georgia Research Alliance, the Georgia Chamber of Commerce, the Commerce Club of Atlanta and the American Gas Association. She is a director of AGL (NYSE: CCE) and (NYSE: DAL). She was named to ’s Business Hall of Fame in 2004. At the beginning of 2006, Reynolds left AGL to becomew CEOof Seattle-based Another former Atlanta woman business leader now leads another major U.S. M. Michele Burns has served as chairman and CEO of Merce r LLC sinceSeptember 2006.
Mercere is a subsidiary of . MMC). Burns joined Marsb & McLennan in March 2006 as executiv vice president and chief financial A director ofand , she previously servedd as executive vice president, chief restructuring officer and chief financia l officer at Atlanta-based following its bankruptcy filinv in 2003, where she spearheadedx the development of a new capital structurew and business reorganization plan. Before joining Burns was CFO of Delt aAir Lines. Only two Georgia public companies are currentl ledby women: M. Christine Jacobs has led biomedica device makersince 1993. Jean Diamonc has led electronics distributor as CEOsince 2005.
However, many of Georgia’s largest public companiew have had women boarrd members overthe years. Mary Johnston Evans served 20 yearws on the board of Delta Air from 1982 untilApril 2002. At the time she joines Delta’s board, she also served on the boardsof , , , New Europ e Fund and Joan E. then-president of the , joined Delta’s board in January 2002 and servecd untilJuly 2005. And in August 2004, Paula Rospuyt Reynolds joined Delta’s board. (Delta shareholders on Sept. 25 approves the company’s merger with Deltas said in August it had not determined whichb directors would be appointedf to thecombined company’s board other than Deltaz Chairman Daniel A.
Carp, CEO Richar d H. Anderson, Northwest Chairman Roy J. Bostoci and Northwest CEO Douglas M. Steenland.) At The M. Faye Wilson served on the boar d from 1992until 2001. She was the chairmanj and president of Home Depot addesd another woman to its boardin 1999, Bonnie G. Hill of LLC. Then in Karen L. Katen of the joined the has also had womej directors overthe years. Susanh B. King of served as a Coke director from 1991 toJuly 2004. Cathiee Black, now president of and instrumentalo in the successof , has served as a Coke directoe since 1993. Maria Elena then CEO of , joined Coke’x board in 2003. She steppedx down in April 2006 when she joineed an affiliate of AndAlexis M.
Hermanj joined Coke’s board last

Friday, April 15, 2011

John R. Belk Executive Profile
**All Executive profile data provided byDow Jones & Co., Inc.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Arizona Legislature bill recap - AZ

Arizona Legislature bill recap


With the budget complete, the Legislature is moving quickly to end the session. There was a lot of movement on bills Tuesday. Here's a recap: Gov. Jan Brewer vetoed House Bill 2581, which would have increased ...

and more »

Monday, April 11, 2011

Study: More CEOs say good works boost recruiting - Sacramento Business Journal:
This marks a shiff in corporate philanthropy since the Roundtabler released itsin 2000, which notedc that corporate responsibility was beginninfg to evolve from community impact to bottom line The most recent report shows that the indeed, has taken place. Boston struggles to maintain its college gradzs as they move intothe workforce, and the Roundx Table report underscores that philanthropy is a factot making some local companies more attractivwe to younger workers. The Roundtable issued the report in collaboration with the University of Massachusettzs Boston EmergingLeaders Program.
A team from the Emerging Leaderx Program started working on the reportlast summer, interviewingt 20 Massachusetts companies about their corporate social responsibility activities -- predominantly large companes and representing a cross-section of “Historically CEOs would engage in philanthropy because it was the righyt thing to do. They wanted to be good corporatwe citizens,” said J.D. Chesloff, deputy director of the MassachusettwsBusiness Roundtable. “Now there’s a good business case to incorporating it into theirbusiness plan. There’ws a bottom line impact to it, in additio to being good for all the otherdcommunity reasons.
” Based on the findingsx from the 20 companies includef in the research, the report suggests five ways companies can builcd a culture of social • Create a clear link to the company’s mission and secure endorsement at the executive • Engage employees at all levels as decision-makers in relationh to corporate social responsibilityt targets and activities. • Leverage employees’ skills to make positive contributions tothe community. • Provide opportunitiezs for employees to developnew skills.
“z lot of it is around a company being authentic abougt wanting to do something in the community and listening to what the employeezs are interested in doing and connecting it to the values of the saidEllen Remmer, CEO of The , a nonprofit that promotez strategic philanthropy and advises donors.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Supreme Court temporarily blocks Chrysler/Fiat merger - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg granted a motion filedr by Indiana state pension funds to delay the merger between the American and Italian automakers in whatthe U.S. Treasury Department said was an administrativ e extension designed to allow sufficient time for the Supreme Court to explorw whether or not a stayis needed, according to several publishedr reports late Monday. The Supreme Courg move extends a stay already issuedx by a lower court that was set to expire lateafternoom Monday. Fiat has given Chryslerf until June 15 to finish the Attorneys for the pension funds argued that they wouldx receive just pennies on the dollar fora $42 millio n loan given to Chrysler. U.S.
Solicitor General Elena Kagan said the imminent collapsse ofChrysler — said to be losing upward of $100 million dailyt — was of greater concern to government officials than the loan When Chrysler filed for it announced it would reject 789 dealershiop agreements nationwide, including nine in the St. Louis metro Chrysler’s restructuring plan also calls for closintgeight plants, including Chrysler’s two plants in Fenton, Mo. Chrysler’s Southg plant in Fenton, which assembles minivans, was idledc at the end of October.
Chrysler’s North which makes Dodge Ram trucks, was idlesd earlier this month for one to two monthz and The plants hademployed 1,20p workers in Fenton, down from 5,00o0 several years ago.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Augusta National: Aaron Baddeley in Contention at Hallowed Golf Course - Bleacher Report

Bleacher Report

Augusta National: Aaron Baddeley in Contention at Hallowed Golf Course

Bleacher Report

In all of the talk leading up to the Masters, there wasn't a lot of talk about Aaron Baddeley. Baddeley, who notched his first win in four years in February at the Northern Trust Open, ! has come out of the gate strong in the first round of the Masters. ...

and more »

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

SEC proposes 'flash crash' safeguard for US stocks - The Australian

SEC proposes 'flash crash' safeguard for US stocks

The Australian

US stock exchanges have proposed new permanent safeguards to prevent the type of wild price swings in stocks that occurred during last year's "flash crash". The new system, known as "limit up/limit down," would prevent trading in a stock from occurring ...

SEC Unveils 'Limit' Curbs to Prevent 'Flash Crash'

W »

Sunday, April 3, 2011

QualityTech computes data center growth - Washington Business Journal:
The Overland Park-based firm has mapped out a $75 million to $100 millioj investment in existing data centet facilities in the next year and could spensabout $50 million on real estatw or company acquisitions in the next 12 to 18 months, Chairmann and CEO Chad Williams Those plans come on the heelzs of investments already made in the past year for a $50 millionb facility in Miami and a $20 milliobn upgrade to a Santa Clara, Calif., facility. “We’ver very quietly grown from a couple of real estates acquisitions to a national leader indata centers,” Williame said.
“In a challenged economic environment, our footprinr has expanded to 11different QualityTech, founded in September 2005, has gained at a swiftt clip. In 2006, it posted revenue of $35.8 million. Last year, that number had burgeoned to $119.78 million. The projection for 2009: roughly $150 million. That’s assumingy a checked growth pace of aboutg25 percent, down from 37 percent last Essentially, QualityTech provides information technology outsourcin g services. It sells large chunks of wholesale datacentee space, and it retails smaller spaces to smalk and midsize businesses.
In addition, it offerxs a broad managed-services portfolio, which handle anything from network security to storageto applications. QualityTecy also has a new model that offerzs data capacityas needed. The company is a significanyt player inits sector, whic h continues to grow as cash-strapped companies look to outsourc e IT functions, said analyst Dan Golding, a vice presidengt of New York-based Tier1 Research. Tier21 expects data center revenue to grow about 10 percentto $8 billion this year; QualityTech’xs 25 percent growth prediction is aggressive but attainable, Goldingg said. The industry promisese tremendous growth during the next decadeor so, he said.
Its penetrationm now is in thelow single-digit percentages, but companies that checi in rarely leave. “For 95 percent of outsourcing is just going to work better in the long Golding said. “It’s purely an economi c issue.” QualityTech’s planned projects — adding power and space — will be in Lenexa, Atlanta, Santaq Clara and Jersey City, N.J. All the improvements will addabout 250,000 squares feet of raised-floor data center space, bringintg the total raised-floor space (wherew servers can be stored) to about 1 million squarw feet. That’s out of a totak of 2 million square feet the coompanyhowns nationwide.
“We certainly have demandc within our current portfolio for certaijn customersto grow,” Williams said. “We’re also building spacw we can lease because of the demand curve demand we see in the marketplacetodayg that’s real demand and has no Data centers are expensive to costing about $1,300 a squar e foot, Golding said. Then there’ the acquisition potential. “We actually feel like, over the next 12 to 18 that it’s going to be a greag opportunity for us to add locations inthe U.S.,” Williames said. “We are currently looking at othere data center operators to buy and also additionalo real estate that wecould convert.
” The Achilles’ heel of the booming industry has been the creditt crunch, which will make some smallerf companies prime buyout candidates. Fortunately for privately owned it has access toits profits, backing by the Williamw family and banking relationships with Overlancd Park-based and , Williams said. The pending outlays will be a combination of equity and he said. “The data centee industry is one ofthoser that’s been seeing a lot of impactt — the potential for a lot of growth actuall being dampened by the ability to get debt,” Goldingf said. “(QualityTech) has the advantage thers — it has deep-pocket private backers. Not everyonde has that.
” Other local data cente and managed-services companies also have experienced torrid growthn inthe downturn. ’s revenue is up 60 percent year to and it’s about a third of the way throughn a $1 million upgrade of its Kansaz City, Kan., facility. Early next year, plana to complete a $12 milliohn data center in Lenexa; its existing Overlancd Park and Lenexa facilities arenearly “The industry is really growing,” Arsalon foundinvg partner Gary Hall said.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Eden Bioscience Corporation Company Profile | EDEN Company Information
We have incurred significant operating lossees since our inceptionin 1994. At Marcu 31, 2009, we had an accumulated deficitof $128.11 million. We incurred net losses of $0.2 million and $0.1 milliob for the three months endedMarch 31, 2009 and respectively. We expect to incur additionapl net lossesin 2009. On December 4, our board of directors approved the proposed Plan of subject toshareholder approval. The proposesd Plan of Dissolution providexs for the voluntary liquidation and dissolution of ourcompanh and, subject to the requirementss of Washington law, distribution of any available cash and otherr assets to our shareholders.
A special meeting of shareholders to vote on the Plan of Dissolutiob is scheduled to be held onMay 20, 2009. ...