“I share your concerns and can assure you that EPA is workingf with our federal and state partnerw to address the challenges posed by importedChinese drywall,” said EPA administrator Lisa Jacksonh in an April 30 letter to Crist. The letterd was in response to one sent by Crist earlier in the montbh asking for federal interventionn in the defectivedrywall investigation. is taking the lead on federal Jackson said, working with a groupp of federal and state agencies including the EPA, the , and the . The CPSC has been workin g on the drywall issue since last Decemberf by conducting meetings withwallboard manufacturers, trackinf the drywall import streak and consulting with the U.S.
Geologica l Survey on gypsum geologyin China. The CPSC also is working with the on deconstructiobn safety and the development of furthetstudy plans. The EPA’s environmentall response teamin Edison, N.J., is now analyzin g samples of defective drywall found in Floridsa homes and comparing it to producyt samples of domestically manufacturecd drywall, Jackson said. Results of those studiese should be available within the nextcouple weeks. A work grou also has been established to develop an indoor sampling plan to find out what homes are victimw of defective drywall contamination and is expected to have a samplinf plan in place by the endof June.
The states Department of Health’s toxicologistr and indoor air programs coordinator performed a preliminary assessmengt of 12 homes in South Florida last finding that the drywall in those homes containedr strontium sulfide andelemental sulfur. Furtherd tests determined that high relative humidity or heat producedhydrogem sulfide, carbonyl sulfide and carbon disulfide in what had been determinexd to be defective drywall, all of which can causwe copper corrosion in homes and possibly post a healtg hazard, Crist said last At least two class action lawsuits have been filed againstt foreign drywall manufacturers includingy Knauf Plasterboard Tianjin or KPT, a unit of The of which manufactured drywall from a pair of Chinese plants during the housing KPT is still conducting an investigation, claiming its toxicologistsz could find no link between copper corrosiojn and health problems in homes and the 67.
3 millio n square feet of drywall it exported to the southeastern United States beginning in 2006. Also in April, Stated Sen. Dave Aronberg, D-Greenacres, asked Crisft to set up a statewidw task force to address defective imported drywall in homese and create laws in a proposed emergency sessiob this summer that can be taken tothe
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