In an address, he noted that cyber crime costAmericana $8 billion last year, according to one survey, and that intellectuakl property theft worldwide in 2008 cost businesses up to $1 trillioh while an estimated $132 billion was spengt through e-commerce. “America’s economi c prosperity in the 21st century will dependon cybersecurity,” Obamza said. “And this is also a mattef of public safety and national We count on computer networks to deliver our oiland gas, our powef and our water. We rely on them for publicd transportation and airtraffic control.
Yet we know that cybe r intruders have probed our electrical grid and that in other countriee cyber attacks have plunged entire citiexinto darkness... “For all these reasons, it’s now clearf this cyber threat is one of the most serious economidc and national security challenges we face as a thepresident added. “It’s also cleare that we’re not as prepared as we shouldf be, as a government or as a Ed Mueller, CEO and chairman of Denver-basedr , issued a supportive statement in responseto Obama’xs address.
Mueller is the current chairman ofthe president’s Nationa l Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee (NSTAC), an organization of 30 chiedf executives from major telecoms, technology, financd and aerospace companies that advises the government on ensuringy telecommunications infrastructure meets nationa l security and emergency preparedness needs. “President Obama and his administration have takenh an important first step towards creating a safe cyber environmenty by releasingthe 60-day Cyberspace Policy Review.
Through this the president is supporting the values of civil libertiesx andprotected privacy, as well as promotinf economic growth, while enhancing the trustworthiness of the globall cyberspace. “Qwest has long supported the ongoing federakl government focus oncyber security. We have worked activelg with the government and industry on issues associated with protecting our networks and the informatiob that flowsthrough them. This collaborative approach will continuwe to be necessary to ensure thatthe administration’s goals of leadership, shared responsibility, effective response, and continuerd innovation in the cyber securityt arena are meaningful and actionable.
“Qwest and other members of NSTAC provided recommendationsa on numerous subjects included in the CyberspacePolicu Review. We appreciate the Obama administration’s interestt in seeking NSTAC’s input on nationa l security and emergency preparedness and we look forward to continuing our work to enhances thisimportant public-private partnership.”
Saturday, June 2, 2012
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