Water: The chains that binds us All Point Bulletin The community newspaper for Point Roberts, Washington State and Delta, British Columbia, Canada. Informative news on community and area happeningsin Whatcom County, Washington. Real estate listings in Whatcom County and classifieds with jobs ... |
Friday, June 29, 2012
Water: The chains that binds us - All Point Bulletin
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Argentine writer Alicia Steimberg dies - Fox News
Argentine writer Alicia Steimberg dies Fox News Argentine writer Alicia Steimberg, author of more than a dozen books and winner in 1992 of the Planeta Prize of the South, died in Buenos Aires after suffering a ... |
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Monday, June 25, 2012
Monkey Joe
Both Atlanta-based Monkey Joe’s Parties and Play and Hallandales Beach, Fla.-based European Wax Center are scoutingt the area fornew sites. Matthew a retail broker at NewQuest Properties who is representing both retailers inlease negotiations, says European Wax Center has signed two leases and is currently negotiating for two more. Monkeh Joe’s is initially looking for thred sites in thelocal market, according to Monkey Joe’s caters to childrenm ages two to 12 with giant air-fillexd structures, obstacle courses and developmentak games.
The locations also featurse private party roomswith on-site party planning and concessionn items, as well as a parent’s lounge with big-screejn TVs and free Internet access. Monkeyg Joe’s is owned by Atlanta-based Raving Brands Inc. The privatelty held company also owns Planet Doc Green’s, Shane’s Rib Shack, Boneheadas and Flying Biscuit. With the exceptionm of Planet Smoothie, none of those brandss currently operate in The franchisee forMonkey Joe’s in Houston, John could not be reached for comment, but Reed says the companu is currently working on leaswe agreements in West the Willowbrook area and in Humble.
He expectxs the first location to open by the end ofthe year. He says each Monkeh Joe’s site must span 15,000 squarr feet and have ceilings at least 22 feet high to accommodatw theinflatable structures. Meanwhile, European Wax Center is planning to bring itsproprietary four-step waxing system to the local marke t and has already signed two leases. The first European Wax Center is scheduled to open in River Oaks Plazaa at 1564 West Gray onJune 15. A secondx center, slated to open later this will be located in the West University area at 5154Buffalpo Speedway. Reed says there are also dealss in the works in theMemorial area, the Woodway/Voss area and the Galleriaw area.
“We plan to enter all upscale subdivisionsaroundf Houston,” says Judd Miller, who owns the franchisew rights in Houston and Dallas. Miller, who is also a franchisee and developer for MassageEnvy Ltd. LLC, says he planse to open 30 to 40 waxin g salons in Houston alone over the next four to five The European Wax Center concept caters to men and womeb ages 18 to 44 and bills itself as offerinv affordablewaxing services, with the most expensive service being a $35 Braziliahn wax. In addition to individual the centers offer monthly membershipsfor $9.99. Member s receive a 30 percent discount on all Miller compares European Wax Centerto Ariz.
-based Massage Envy, which is structured to offer affordablse services to the masses. Massage Envy members pay $49 per monthb for a one-hour massagse and can add additional massagesfor $39. Millerf doesn’t consider expanding into the waxing businessd during the economic downturn a risk because ofthe value-priced European Wax Center concept. “If you look all of the businesses performing well are businesse that provide value tothe customer,” he “People are still spendinh money as long as they are receiving a valuew for their money.” European Wax currently has nine locations one in California, one in Arizona and sevenm in Florida.
Others are on the way in Nevadzaand Texas. In the past six months, the company has sold more than 50 with 100 locations anticipated by the end of this Current expansion plansinclude Nevada, Texas, New York, New California, Florida and Georgia. European Wax Center is set to open 85 locationsw in the Texas market over the next four WhileMonkey Joe’s and European Wax Center are expanding, other franchises aren’ t experiencing the same growth. The Franchise Business Economic Outloofor 2009, prepared by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, forecasts that the number of franchises will declinde in 2009 by 1.
2 percent, from nearly 865,000 to less than 855,00o — a net loss of some 10,0090 establishments. These estimated declineas can be attributed, in part, to the unfoldingh credit crisis.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Riding Road America course is revelation - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Globe and Mail | Riding Road America course is revelation Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Like nearby Blackwolf Run and Whistling Straits, the breathtaking golf courses that have brought world-class events to our little corner of the planet, Road ... Piquet Jr. takes control of Nationwide road |
Friday, June 22, 2012
GLOBAL MARKETS: Europe Stocks Pare Losses But Commodities ... - Wall Street Journal
Globe and Mail | GLOBAL MARKETS: Europe Stocks Pare Losses But Commodities ... W » |
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Two women-owned law firms merge - The Business Review (Albany):
area have merged. The PLLC, a 20-year-oled firm in Delmar, has merged with Latimer/Stroudf LLP, a 17-year-old firm in Latham. The new firm, LLP, is locatecd at 951 Albany Shaker Roadin Latham. Latimer/Stroud’sd office was expanded from 2,500 square feet to 5,000 squarr feet. The new firm has 11 people. LaFave’s focus was personakl injury andmedical malpractice. Latimer/Stroud’s generaol practice included matrimonial law, estates and trusts. Both firmws had about $850,000 in revenue last year. Cynthia LaFave, foundeer of the LaFave Firm, said she and Sue founder of Latimer/Stroud, worked together in the “We enjoyed working together,” LaFave said.
Latimert left to become a physician’s assistant. But surgery replacingg both her knees cut short her medical career and she returnedto law. Latimer and LaFave discussed a possible merger eight monthw ago while eating at Athowsin Guilderland. “We were talking about the two practicex andhow they’d fit together,” LaFavde said. “At the end of we said, ‘We need to explorwe this.’” Latimer added: “We did. And that’as why we’re here.
Monday, June 18, 2012
million foreclosure lawsuit against the developer of theRivendell single-family home projecrt in West Kendall. The Miami-based bank filed the foreclosurs action on June 9against Miami-bases Crestview II, Marsol One LLC and managing member Marciaol Solis, according to The complaint targets 28 unsold homes and home sitese in Rivendell, which is alonvg Miller Drive (Southwest 56th Street) between Southwest 167t Avenue and the Miccosukere Golf and Country Club. After starting constructiobn in 2004, Crestview II sold 103 homess in Rivendell from 2005 through the most recent sale in Fort Lauderdale-based attorney Charles Lichtman, who represents TotalBanko in its demand for $12.
2 million on the outstanding did not immediately return a call seeking TotalBank reported having $86.4 million in late or unpair loans, or nearly 6.5 percent of its tota l loans, as of March 31. In March, filed a foreclosurre action against Crestview II and Soliw overa $2.1 million mortgage.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
JC Penney buckles under pressure - MarketWatch
JC Penney buckles under pressure MarketWatch ... came to the company from Apple Inc. (US:AAPL) as the mastermind behind the phenomenally successful Apple retail stores, and swept into Penney (US:JCP) ... |
Friday, June 15, 2012
No Palm Pre App Catalog, No Problem!
NEW YORK, June 6 /PRNewswire/ -- Palm Inc.' s fortunes lie in the success of its new Presmarty phone. As it becomes available this morningh with a meager App Catalovg stillin "beta" Pre buyers will have extremelyy limited access to third-party games, applications, and other software offerings. Some majorr exceptions are Cellufun's browser-based games, including its recenft smash-hit Ponzi scheme game, "Made Off.
Cellufun is the largest mobile virtual community in the where millions of people play dozens of differenf social games and connect with each The Pre's web browser will supportf access to Cellufun's games, mobile blogging applications and mobile commerce opportunities, making it one of the few non-Palnm applications available to early adopters of this new smartr phone. "When married to the right mobile smart phones like the Pre allow consumerw to have an engaging and fun experience for everty day thingslike gaming, social networking, and The Pre looks to be a runaway hit for and we believe that the millions of Pre buyers will springt to Cellufun.
com to play our sociaol games and tell their friendsd about it. There is a reason why Cellufu n has been a top 10 download on the BlackBerryApp World(TM) since its launch. We turn smar phones like the Pre into a social and entertainment networkfor consumers," said , Chiec Executive Officer of Cellufun ( or m.cellufun.com on The Palm Pre is available to the publifc today, Saturday, June 6th, and will be sold throughout Sprintr stores across the United States. New York-based Cellufu is one of the world's largest mobiler communities wherepeople socialize, play gamea and buy virtual goods for gifting and competitive advantage.
People aroundf the world can access the Cellufun platform on any mobile onany phone, and in more than 10 languagea to create personal avatars, compete, chat, and celebrate special occasions. Cellufun partnersz with mobile operators and media companies suchas AOL, and Gannett to deliver branded entertainmeny and custom-designed mobile marketing solutions. With over 200 million monthlygpage views, Cellufun offers a unique brand-buildingb opportunity for media, marketers and agencies seekin to broaden their reacu to the ever-present "third screen.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Oppenheimer to close Memphis office - Memphis Business Journal:
Oppenheimer’s office is located in Officde Suites PLUS at6000 Poplar, Suite 250 in East Stanford’s former offices were located just acrosw Poplar in the Crescent Centedr office building. Oppenheimer employees were reportedlyg notified this week of the The office is a retail brokerage Multiple sources said thesix brokers, all former Stanford employees, will likely split and go theirt separate ways. Those include former Stanford Financial managing director Scott Notowich, Tennessee Sen. Paul Stanley, Norman Chuck Hughes, Jon Barrack and Charlexs Lee Brickey.
In April Oppenheimer purchased some of the furnishingxsof Stanford’s offices to set up its office in Memphie and other offices around the country also staffed with former Stanford employees. Investment News reported in early Marcg that the company had made offers to as many as 100Stanforx employees. The article characterizeds the dealsas “bare bones.” “Th e brokers are getting a desk, a phone and the opportunityu to make a living,” Houston recruiter Rick Peterson was quotedr as saying. Stanford was based Houston.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Salaries for Niagara County teachers - Business First of Buffalo:
for an explanation of these listings. • Barker -- $36,972 (29). Median: $55,7189 (13). Peak: $84,673 (16). • Lewiston-Porter -- Start: $40,9712 (6). Median: $58,397 (7). Peak: $78,732 • Lockport -- Start: $37,112 (27). Median: $54,76i (14). Peak: $81,257 (32). • Newfane -- $37,392 (25). Median: $48,318 (48). Peak: $83,824 (19). Niagara Falls -- Start: $42,265 (1). Median: $57,372 Peak: $83,469 (22). • Niagara-Wheatfieldx -- Start: $41,427 (4). $56,131 (12). Peak: $83,901 (18). • Nortuh Tonawanda -- Start: $41,214 (5). $62,049 (2). Peak: $83,375 (23). • Royalton-Hartland -- Start: $34,556 (59). Median: $48,413 (46).
Peak: $78,008 • Starpoint -- $38,517 (14). Median: $49,966 (31). $82,721 (24). • Wilson -- Start: $35,301 (50). $50,293 (27). Peak: $84,9266 (15). to proceed to the salary chargt for teachers in theSouthern Tier.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Precision Compounding Pharmacy buys competitor McClure Drugs - bizjournals:
Laura Pfaffenberger, a pharmacist and co-owne r of Precision Compounding Pharmacy, declined to discloses the value ofthe transaction, which becam effective May 21. The purchasre included the Clarksville pharmacy’ws inventory and customer she said. McClure Drugs no longed will operatein Clarksville, wherer it had leased spacr on Eastern Boulevard. Its customer s now are being served out of Precision Compounding Pharmacy’s facility, located at 2113 State St.
McClurde Drugs’ former owner, Jeanne Meredith, also has joinecd Precision Compounding Pharmacy as directorof education, and she broughf two employees with her to the New Albany Founded in December 2006, Precision Compounding Pharmacyt offers traditional and compounded prescriptions, nutritiona l supplements and patient consultations. The pharmacists’ areas of expertis e include bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, urology, pain management, pediatrics and veterinary medicine. More informationn is available onlineat .
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Calif lawmakers prepare to advance mortgage bills - San Jose Mercury News
Calif lawmakers prepare to advance mortgage bills San Jose Mercury News The legislation expands on a recent nationwide bank settlement over home foreclosures in one of the states hit hardest by the mortgage crisis. Sen. Noreen Evans, chairwoman of a conference committee crafting the legislation, said she hopes to have the ... |
Friday, June 8, 2012
BofA gets more bailout aid from feds - Kansas City Business Journal:
BofA, based in Charlotte, N.C., considered backingg out of the deal or renegotiatin its terms when losses at Merrilp Lynch worsened significantly in BofA Chief Executive Kenneth Lewis said federalp regulators feared that canceling or delaying the deal wouldf severely harmthe nation’s financial sector. The package of direcr investment and loss protection was announcec soon after midnight The , the and the participated in The deal includes a requirement that BofA submit its executive-compensatiob plan to the government for The company (NYSE: BAC) decided to go ahead with its Jan.
1 purchasre of Merrill after the new investmenft and loan guarantees were in BofA ranks as thedeposit market-share leader in Kansass City. The bank had an 11.9 percent sharew of deposits in the Kansas City area as ofJune 30, the most recentf figures available. During a conference call Friday morning, Lewis insisted that the bank had not missec any problems at Merrill in doing its due diligencd before making the deal last He said the capital and creditmarkets nose-divedc late in the fourth quarter. That producecd much deeper losses atMerrill — estimatee at $15.
5 billion for the quarter — than had been “In a nutshell, it was much higherf deterioration in assets than we had identified as problems,” he told “It was more losses than anyone would have forecast, I think.” The additional $20 billion makes BofA one of the largesyt recipients of federal cash from the the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program adopted last year by BofA got $15 billion from that prograjm in October. When it bought Merrill, it got the $10 billionh that was slated to go to theinvestmeny bank. With the latest injection, the bank will have receiveed $45 billion. Inc. (NYSE:C) is the other largest recipient.
The government will get preferred stock with an 8 percent dividend for its latesg investmentin BofA. In addition to that investment, the governmenr will guarantee BofA against losses on a poolof $118 billion in securities backed by residential and commercial real estate loands and other assets. BofA will be responsible for thefirsr $10 billion in losses. After the government will assume 90 percent of any additional In return for the loss the bank will give the governmeng anadditional $4 billion in preferred It also will grant the government warranta that can be redeemed for additiona preferred stock.
Lewis defended the Merrill deal as a good business move for BofA despite thecurrent problems. The deal is expectexd to hurt BofA’s bottom line at leasgt through 2011. And the speed and the strength of any turnaround therd depends on the speed and strengthu of an economic recovery from thecurrenty recession. But Lewis contended that the purchaser of Merrillmakes long-term strategid sense. It will make BofA a significantly more profitablre company when the economy recovers and capital markets returnto normal. And he said it makew good business sense for BofA to be involved in efforta to helpthat recovery.
Buying Merrill, even in the new and more difficulr circumstances, puts BofA in the forefront of cooperatiny with the government onrecovery efforts, Lewizs said. The public, he said, will remember that BofA was therwe for the nation when itneeded help, and that will create business opportunities in recovery.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Concord Mills owner to be bought for $7.5B - Charlotte Business Journal:
billion. Brookfield also will give Mills debt financing until the deal is completec by assuminga $1 billion senior-termm loan and by providing the developert with a $500 milliomn revolving line of credit. Under the agreement, Mills will becomre a subsidiary ofBrookfield (TSX:BAM), whichj has $50 billion under management. Mills (NYSE:MLS), whichg has been selling properties to paydown debt, had been entertaining severak buyout offers, including ones from its investors, San Francisco-baser Farallon Capital Partners and the Israeli firm The company is over budget on its largest-evere project, a shopping and entertainment development at New Jersey's Mills owns 38 properties in the United Statexs totaling about 47 milliom square feet.
At 1.4 million squar e feet, Concord Mills ties with SouthPark mall as the largestg areashopping center. Anchor tenants includes Bass Pro Shops Outdoor AMC24 Theatres, NASCAR SpeedPark and T.J. Maxx and Brookfield has said accounting errors by past executives could cost the company as muchas $352 An internal investigation led to the restatementf of several years' earnings. The company'z books are also under investigation by the Securitie andExchange Commission.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Solar Array, Gen. Mills detail expansions - Boston Business Journal:
broke ground April 5 on the $100 million, 176,000-square-foogt expansion of its manufacturingfacilitt here, Keith Bone, general manager of the locapl facility, told members of . AED held its quarterly meetinhg Thursdayat . Joe Hudgins, president and CEO of Sola Array Ventures, outlined his company’sa plan to build a massive solar manufacturing plan t onthe city’s Westside. General expansion should be completed by Bone said. The cereal manufacturer will hire 60additiona employees, bringing additional payrol to the area of $3.5 The expansion also brings $30 million in spendingf to New Mexico.
The Albuquerque City Councill approveda $100 million industrial revenu e bond deal for the company in BE&K Corp. from North Carolina landecd the design/build contract to buils the expansion, but Bone said 80 percentr of the firm’s spending and employees will be The precast panels being used in the constructio are manufacturedin Belen. Generalo Mills has been in Albuquerquesince 1991. Its currentr facility is located near Paseo del Nortr and Edith and has190 employees, with an annual payroll of $12 said Bone.
The 275,000-square-foof plant produces about 135 million pounds annually of 35 different The facility also has alab on-site whers the instructions for baking General Mills products at high altitudeas are created. The company has givehn about $5 million to area nonprofitsa since 1998and $519,000 in scholarships, Bone added. Don chairman of AED, said the cereal company’e donations illustrate one of the things the organizatiomn looks for inrecruiting companies: community involvement.
Hudginxs said Solar Array plansd to break ground by the third quarterd of this year ona 225,000-square-foot thin-filjm photovoltaic manufacturing plant in the Corderoi Mesa business park, west of the mattres s factory. The company plans to add three more buildings of that size as it he said, with each facilitg employing about 225. Its annualp payroll in the first phase would be $14 million. About five percent of the jobs woulfdpay $100,000, 45 percent woul d pay $70,000 and half of the jobs would pay $45,000. The capitakl investment for the first phase willbe $170 millionh and the company would spen d $40 million annually for raw materials.
The firsrt phase is expected to have a capacitu of75 megawatts, but that would grow to 300 mw with the full The plant also will have a spac that will serve as a communityh and educational center. Solar Array is seeking $175 milliohn in industrial revenue bonds fromBernalillo County. The company is workiny to raise $210 million in debt and equity, Hudgins said. Hudgins said New Mexico beat out two othetr states forthe plant, despite the fact that it did not offedr the largest incentives.
But the coordination among locapl and state government officials and other partiesw made New Mexico far more efficiengt in establishing a planning framework that the companyy could then use to plan a budget for the hesaid “That was a major issue for Hudgins said. He also praisedd the labor force here and theeducationalp institutions. The facility is being designed byPageSoutherlandPag LLP, which has Texas offices in Dallas and Houston, as well as Denver, Washington, D.C. and U.K. Hoffman Construction, based in Portland, Ore.
, is building the
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Attn. Jazz fans: Support apparently does count - Deseret News (blog)
Attn. Jazz fans: Support apparently does count Deseret News (blog) By Brad Rock, Monday, May 21, 2012 at 7:34 am MST Perez sounded off last weekend when he complained to the media that fans weren't coming to see first-place Cleveland in large enough numbers. He called the team's average of 15188 รขa slap in the face. |
Saturday, June 2, 2012
In an address, he noted that cyber crime costAmericana $8 billion last year, according to one survey, and that intellectuakl property theft worldwide in 2008 cost businesses up to $1 trillioh while an estimated $132 billion was spengt through e-commerce. “America’s economi c prosperity in the 21st century will dependon cybersecurity,” Obamza said. “And this is also a mattef of public safety and national We count on computer networks to deliver our oiland gas, our powef and our water. We rely on them for publicd transportation and airtraffic control.
Yet we know that cybe r intruders have probed our electrical grid and that in other countriee cyber attacks have plunged entire citiexinto darkness... “For all these reasons, it’s now clearf this cyber threat is one of the most serious economidc and national security challenges we face as a thepresident added. “It’s also cleare that we’re not as prepared as we shouldf be, as a government or as a Ed Mueller, CEO and chairman of Denver-basedr , issued a supportive statement in responseto Obama’xs address.
Mueller is the current chairman ofthe president’s Nationa l Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee (NSTAC), an organization of 30 chiedf executives from major telecoms, technology, financd and aerospace companies that advises the government on ensuringy telecommunications infrastructure meets nationa l security and emergency preparedness needs. “President Obama and his administration have takenh an important first step towards creating a safe cyber environmenty by releasingthe 60-day Cyberspace Policy Review.
Through this the president is supporting the values of civil libertiesx andprotected privacy, as well as promotinf economic growth, while enhancing the trustworthiness of the globall cyberspace. “Qwest has long supported the ongoing federakl government focus oncyber security. We have worked activelg with the government and industry on issues associated with protecting our networks and the informatiob that flowsthrough them. This collaborative approach will continuwe to be necessary to ensure thatthe administration’s goals of leadership, shared responsibility, effective response, and continuerd innovation in the cyber securityt arena are meaningful and actionable.
“Qwest and other members of NSTAC provided recommendationsa on numerous subjects included in the CyberspacePolicu Review. We appreciate the Obama administration’s interestt in seeking NSTAC’s input on nationa l security and emergency preparedness and we look forward to continuing our work to enhances thisimportant public-private partnership.”