Thursday, June 23, 2011

Bauer finds fewer stars among banks - South Florida Business Journal:
The company uses federal regulatory data to rate bankss based oncapital ratio, profit/loss delinquent loans and other Its latest star rankinge are based on financial reports from the quarteer ended Dec. 31. Fourteen Soutyh Florida-chartered banks received five stars or fourstars (excellent) in the fourth quarter. That’as down from 24 local banks with those ratingzs in thethird quarter. , Oaklan d Park City National , Miami , South Miami , West Miamio , of Boca Raton, which was down from five stards in the third quarterto three-and-a-halft stars (good). West Palm Beach-based & Trust, which joinesd seven other local bankswith four-stae ratings from Bauer.
, Dania Beach Community Bank of Florida, Homesteae , Miami , Davie , Miami , Boca Ratoj Doral-based received three-and-a-half down from four starxs in thethird quarter. Bauer Financial ratef 13 South Florida banks twostars (problematic) or worsd in the fourth quarter, up from nine in the third quarterr Aventura-based North Lauderdale-based , Corak Gables , Miami , Boca Raton Five banks retained zero Bauer’s lowest rating, including Florida’s largest bank, Corap Gables-based .
The others were: , Miamu , Miami , Miami , Jupiter Clico to look up bank

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