Friday, October 15, 2010

Houston Summer Boat Show hits choppy waters - bizjournals:
The 22nd annual Houston Summer Boat scheduled forJune 17-21 at Relianty Center, is being affected both by the economy and by boat difficulty in obtaining financing. “Financing is really tougbh right now,” says Ken Lovell, president of the boat “You’ve got to be basicallyg 24-carat gold to qualifty these days.” The summer show typicallhy fills ReliantHalls A, B and half of C. This year, Hall C won’ty be used, decreasing the size of the event from approximately 450,000 square feet to 300,000 square feet of exhibit space, Lovel l says.
“We’re not losing that many people, but peoplee are cutting back,” Lovell says of the boat dealerw who buy booths atthe show. For Marine Max, traditionally one of the summed show’s largest exhibitors, is not participatinv at all this year, which is a first, according to Skip a Marine Max salesperson. The store at 3001 Nasa Parkwahy in Seabrook is skipping the show to save the money it costse for the display and employees tooperated it, as well as the time it takex to set up and tear down the exhibit, Pillsbury “We’re trying to focuw on the prospects we have here at the he says.
Boat sales at Marinr Max have been okay, and even better than accordingto Pillsbury. sales are down at one of the oldest independenf dealers intown — Mt. Houstojn Marine. The dealership at 203 W. Mountr Houston typically sells more than 100 saltwater fishing boats a year rangingg in pricefrom $16,000 to $85,000. Danny Thrower, the store’es general manager, says sales are 15 percenf to 20 percent lower thanlast year. However, the 35-year-olrd dealership had a banner year in selling more boats than ever he says. Approximately 15 percenyt of Mt.
Houston Marine’s annual salezs are derived from the summerrboat show, where the company will have as much exhibift space as usual this PERFECT STORM? Boat pricesd tend to be lower in the summer because dealere are making room for next year’sw models, which come out in August. Add that situationb to the current economic conditionsx and a dropin dealers’ revenue, and professionals say the upcominv boat show is lining up to be a gianty sale. Dealers are expected to offer deep and manufacturers are coming in with incentived programs such as cash back orextenderd warranties, says Thrower, who plans to sell boatas for $1,000 to $2,000 less than last year.
In this rough seas may work to theboat buyers’ And thousands of people who lost boats in Hurricanes Ike last September may be in the market for a replacementt by now. “There will be some very good Lovell says. “This is definitelyt the time topurchase one.”

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