ARL releases pre-publication version of an article on The State of Large ... Knowledgespeak Jisc Collections, the UK academic community's shared service for content licensing and administration, has entered into an agreement with Open Access Key (OAK), an online payment platform for open access (OA) publishing, to run a 12 month pilot project ... |
Thursday, January 24, 2013
ARL releases pre-publication version of an article on The State of Large ... - Knowledgespeak
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Sheldon Davidson Solicitors prepares for personal injury compensation changes - (press release)
Sheldon Davidson Solicitors prepares for personal injury compensation changes (press release) Solicitors will be able to claim up to 25% of this amount to cover their costs, a departure from the current system where these fees are covered by your opponents. From April, your legal fees will be your responsibility, bringing to an end the ... |
Monday, January 14, 2013
Cerner finds a treasure in data mining - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
The North Kansas City-based health care informationtechnology company, known mostly for the health-recorde software sold to hospitals and is leveraging the billionse of anonymous patient records it has at its disposap as marketable information to pharmaceutical companies and researchers. Cerner said the data operatiom is a big reason revenue for its LifeSciencews Group has increased by roughly 20 perceny during each of the pastfive years. Mark the company’s life sciences solutions vice president, predictedd that annual growth will be greater stilkl inthe future. “This is just the beginninh for us in the life he said. Included in Cerner’s data warehouse are 1.
2 billionh lab results. It also has smalletr numbers of medication orders andothetr data. The company collects the informatiojthrough data-sharing agreements with roughly 125 of its software By some estimates, it can take as long as 17 yearzs and $1.2 billion to develop a singl drug. Cerner’s data-mining capabilities can quicken that process and save money for drug companie s by helping the companies establis h a study protocol that maximizes the number of eligibl candidates fora trial. “We believe that can actually eventually reduce the cost ofdrug development,” Hoffma n said.
Cerner would not name its pharmaceutical Pharmaceutical companies and clinical researchers pay for Cerner data for other saidScott Weir, director of the ’zs Office of Therapeutics Discovery and He said Cerner’s data-mining capability can point scientists to potential new uses for existingt drugs. For instance, Weir said, Cerner’ds database might suggest that a drug used to trear cardiovascular disease could be helpful in treatingvcancer patients. Researchers then could run a clinical trial to test the The data is useful to drug companieds for much the same Weir said, including helping them identify and correct side effectzs from drugs.
The KU Cancer Center has used Cerner’s data-miningy capabilities for several projects. “They uncover information we wouldneverr discover,” Weir said. “It’s invaluable.” He said Cerneer stands to benefit financially, as from collaborations with researchers that can lead to intellectual propertyg that produces licensing fees and Cerner also can work with researcheras suchas Dr. Stephen director of the Center for Personalized Medicine and Therapeutifc Innovationat . Spielbert seeks a $3.9 million grant from the for a study of how the center can better capture data in pediatric cancer studies usingfCerner software.
Saturday, January 12, 2013
GM owes $9M to AK Steel - Triangle Business Journal:
About $9.1 million is how much the carmakerr owes theWest Chester-based steek manufacturer in trade debt, according to a list of GM’s 50 largesty unsecured creditors that was included with its initial bankruptcg court filings Monday. was listeed as the company’s 33rd largest unsecured The only other Ohio company on the list was GoodyeafTire & Rubber Co. in which is on the hook for almost $7 No Kentucky or Indiana companiew were onthe list. Aside from bond debt and employee obligations, which account for GM’s five largestf unsecured obligations, the top tradr debt disclosed was $122 million owed to Starcom MediavesyGroup Inc.
of GM has been AK Steel’s biggest customer for years, althoughy the percentage of total sales it derivez from the troubled automotive company has been declining in recent AK Steel did not disclose how much it sold to GM in 2008 in its latestannual report, but earlier annual reporta disclosed that shipments to GM accounterd for 20 percent of net sale s in 2003, 15 percent in 2004, 13 percent in and less than 10 percent in 2006 and 2007. AK Steepl said about 28 percent of its trade receivables outstanding at the end of 2008 were due from businessews associated withthe U.S.
automotive including General Motors, Chrysler and Its 2008 annual report also includee the followingcautionary disclosure: “If any of these three major domestic automotive companies were to make a bankruptcuy filing, it could lead to similae filings by suppliers to the automotive many of whom are customerd of the company. The company thus coule be adversely impacted not only directly by the bankruptcyy of a major domesticautomotive manufacturer, but also indirectlg by the resultant bankruptciees of other customers who supply the automotiver industry.
The nature of that impacf could be not only a reduction infuturer sales, but also a loss associated with the potential inabilitg to collect all outstanding accountsd receivables. That could negatively impact the company’s financiall results and cash flows. The company is monitoring this situation closel and has taken steps to try to mitigate its exposured to suchadverse impacts, but because of curren t market conditions and the volume of businesx involved, it cannot eliminate these risks.
Friday, January 11, 2013
Grand Lacuna golf course hit with foreclosure - South Florida Business Journal:
This marks the second golf course in Palm Beach Countyg with a pending foreclosure actionagainst it. A different lenderr is suing the 110-acre Emerald Dunes Golf Course in RoyalPalm Beach. On May 29, Providence, R.I.-base d filed a foreclosure action againsty and managing memberKenneth W. Brown, according to records. The lawsuif was based on a mortgage last modifiexat $2.7 million in 2004 – the same year Granf Lacuna Group bought the golf cours for $3.5 million. An official at the Grand Lacuns golf course said he woulsd forward a messageto Brown, who did not immediateluy return the call. Accordingb to county property records, Grand Lacuns has 7,320 square feet of facilitieas onthe 115.
4-acre site, at 6400 Grand Lacunwa Blvd., in Lake Worth – near the southwesg corner of Lantana Road and Florida’s Turnpike. The par-71 coursse was developed in thelate 1980s. Tampa-baserd attorney Mark J. Wolfson, who represents Textroj in the lawsuit, did not immediatelyy return a callseeking comment.
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Wigwam faces foreclosure sale as Starwood deal ends - Jacksonville Business Journal:
Also included in the foreclosure action are the two golf coursess atthe . LLC owns the properties in foreclosured and had provided them as collateral for the loan it receivesd from Citigroup Global Markets Realty inJune 2007. But that is not all of the bad news for the historicd westside resort. , which operates the notified owners, employees and the city of Litchfielr Park April 20 that it will not renew its contract effectiveMay 29. At that 330 employees will belaid off. Starwoor has managed the Wigwamjsince 2001. “It’s a surprise.
I knew there were financiaol problems, but when I heard that Starwoo had a meeting yesterday withtheir employees, I knew it was something big,” said Darryl Litchfield Park’s city manager. He in turn calleed Starwood, which he said confirmed that the international hospitalithy firm no longer will maintaim the Wigwam as part of its Luxuryh Collectionof hotels. The decision was made in the last two accordingto K.C. Kavanagh, Starwood’w vice president of public relations. “Thie is separate and totallh unrelated tothe foreclosure,” Kavanagh said. Starwood and she said, “have spent many months negotiating and there were several material pointwof difference.
Given that, we decided to terminat our relationship.” Kavanagh would not elaboratr what the differences According to a letter sent Monday to Crossmaj byRonnie Collins, acting general manager of the “Starwood and the owner of the hotel had been workingy toward trying to resolve a dispute concerning theirr management agreement and Starwood’s ability to continue to operatew the hotel. Unfortunately, it is now clear to Starwooe that this dispute cannot be resolved in a way that woulxd enable Starwood to continure to managethe hotel.
” Crossman said closurw of the Wigwam would causw serious distress to Litchfield a community of 4,500 residents located in the vicinity of West Camelback and North Litchfield Road. The Wigwam, built by the Goodyeare Tire & Rubber Co. in 1929 for its executives, has been the backbonr of the community. “It not only is an historicf property for the whole Valletand it’s not only the hearft of this community, it’s also our financial lifeline,” Crossman said. The Phoenix Business Journao was unable to contact Kabuto Arizona Properties PresidenttGeorge Lee, a resident of Litchfield Crossman said Lee’s wife is givingf birth to a child.
Though Crossman said he talkeed withLee recently, they haven’ty been in touch for several days. “I’ll probably call him by the end of the Rightnow we’re trying to find out what the city can do, how we mighr be able to facilitate some other arrangements,” Crossman said. Even so, Kabutio Arizona Properties is facing the foreclosurse sale of the Wigwam resort and golf coursd andthe Biltmore’s Adobe and Linkds golf courses. According to documents filedd with the MaricopaCountyy Recorder’s office, Kabuto failed to make monthlyy payments on the $65 million loan beginning in November.
It is unclear what impact the foreclosurw will have on BiltmoreGolf Club, a popular spot with loca golfers. A spokesperson for the adjacent Arizona Biltmorre Resortand Spa, which is owned by a differenyt company, referred questions about the foreclosurr to the golf club’s General Managefr Dick Bates. He did not respond prior to press time.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Negative temperature: Understanding what happens below absolute zero - ExtremeTech
ExtremeTech | Negative temperature: Understanding what happens below absolute zero ExtremeTech Temperature is typically thought of as the average energy of individual atoms or molecules within a given collection. For atoms of similar mass, this Ć¢kinetic temperatureĆ¢ would basically be their speed at equilibrium. For a group of molecules, we have ... |
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Standardized nuclear plant design eluding utility firms - Triangle Business Journal:
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission certified the plantg designof ’s AP1000 at the end of 2005. Pre-certification was intended to help streamline an approvals processa that takes years before plant constructiomeven begins. Along with Duke and Progress, the , and the of Atlanta have applied to the NRC for licenses to buildxAP1000 plants. According to a Feb. 15 NRC letter that sets an application review schedule for the design ofthe AP1000, March 2010 is the targe date for completing the review proces s for the plant’s design.
Westinghouse spokesman Vaughn Gilbert acknowledges that design changez havebeen made, but he says the changes are minor and represent less than 10 percent of the overalk design. He says Westinghouse is responding to newNRC requirements, such as demonstration of safety in the event of an airplane He says the utilities have not requestexd the changes under consideration. But correspondence betwee n regulators and Westinghouse suggest that the company is pursuinfgdesign changes. In a June 27 letter from the NRCto Westinghouse’ds Robert Sisk, a manager in regulatory affairs, the NRC notexs problems with the scheduling due to changeds sought by Westinghouse.
Thomas Bergman, deputy directofr of the NRC division that overseess newreactor licensing, writesx in the letter that “ther remains uncertainty about the schedulde outlined in the February 15, 2008 letterd in light of changes. This uncertainty is created as a result of changee in the scope of work of the review requestedf by Westinghouse since developingvthat schedule, and delayed submittals.” Westinghouse’s latest revision, No. 17, was submittee Sept. 22. Those changes are not yet publicly NRC spokesman Scott Burnell characterizee the numerous changes asthe “back and forth” that is a routind part of the approvals process.
He says the planft design is sound and that the modifications are open itemsx that came up as Westinghouses talked withits customers. He says that because several utilities are interestedd in theAP1000 design, it was more efficient for Westinghouses to submit changes on their behal rather than for applicants to pursue changes Burnell says the final design for these utilitiez or subsequent applicants will be the He characterized the latest revision as the “17t h time that Westinghouse responded to staff Ed Lyman, a senior staff scientist at the who has trackeds the process, says utilities are requesting the design changexs to suit individual sites.
For he says TVA sought modifications forits Bellefonte, Ala., plant’s seismic design to fit the soil type of the Lyman says that if each applicanrt seeks reactor modifications for its the result could be many more changes, each of them requiringv regulatory review. Lyman says design changes add time to the review process and likely would add cost to the He says the outcome of the AP1000 review could affect how otheer utilities move forward with their plane for newnuclear generation. “Ity is a blow to NRC’s concept of standardizing he says.
Progress spokesman Rick Kimble says that while Progress submitted an application to the NRC so it woulsd have the option of pursuing new nuclear it has not committed to buildingy new reactors at its Shearom Harris site inWake County. The utilityh does plan to build a new nuclear plant in Kimble says design changes to the AP10009 have no impact onthe utility. He likens the changess to modifications one mightt make when building a Fixturesmay change, but the overalk design remains constant, he But the reactors, if built, will cost more than originallty estimated. In an Oct. 3 lettefr to the NRC, Progressd uses the $9.
3 billion cost projection of two new Florida plantsw as thenew upper-bound cost estimate for two new reactorxs at Harris. That’s more than double Progress’ previouws estimate of $4.4 billion. But even with the highefr projection, Progress says in document filed with the NRC that the construction at Harriw should not be as expensive as the work at theFlorids plant, which is a greenfield site. Although the Harrise site now has only one it was originally designed for four and will requirer less construction work than theFloridqa site.
Jim Warren, executive director of watchdohggroup , says Progress’ plans to rais e the level of Harris Lake for cooling water would contributd to the cost of new nuclear generation.
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Commercial real estate news- View Real estate news Across the US
| Churchill Downs, Inc. | | City Propertiea Group | | | Commercial Real Estate Women | | | Cordishh Co. | | | | | | | | | | | | F.A. Wilheljm Construction Co., Inc. | | | FedE Corporation | Fifth Thirs Bancorp | | | | | | | | | | | Genera l Growth Properties Inc. | | | Greatedr Louisville Inc. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Kansaas Entertainment LLC | | | | | | Kentucku Economic Development FinanceAuthorityg | | | | | | | | | | | Kindrefd Healthcare, Inc. | | | | Louisviller Arena Authority Inc. | Louisville Conventiohn & Visitors Bureau | | | | | | Louisville Water Co. Inc. | | M.A.
Mortenson Company | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Republicc Bank & Trust Company | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Stoc k Building Supply | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | The Rouse Company | | | | | | Unitedx Parcel Service, Inc. | University of Kentuck y | University of Louisvillew | | Ventas, Inc. | | | | | | | |
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Sales heating up for Earth to Air - bizjournals:
Formed in 2002, Earth to Air Systemsd develops heating and cooling systems based on a technology known as direc texchange geothermal, called DX in the industry. The company’sd applications have been showh to reduce heating and cooling costs by 50 percenrt to80 percent, CEO Randyg Wiggs says. Earth to Air’sz system bypasses the more conventional geothermall heating andcooling model. Instead of usintg water as a source, the technology skips a step and controls heating and temperatures directly from the eartj withcopper tubing.
The tubed tap into wells that are 300 to 500 feet Environmentally friendly refrigerants are then piped through the Earthto Air’s revenue comes from licensing fees collected from heating and coolingt companies who decide to market and instalkl the systems. Earth to Air got its first international distributofr two years ago when Australian entrepreneur John Gagliardi embracedthe technology. He says he’s securer more than $30 million in including contracts withschook systems, mining camps, housin projects and major corporations, such as BP.
“We are movint into significant profitability,” Galiardi adding that he’s planning on expanding into the Southeast Asianmarkeyt soon. Galiardi predicts that Earth to Air willbecome “a billion dollar business or more.” Salees in the first quarter were up 60 percent from the same time last year. “We’r e living in an time when there’zs a huge demand (for products) to reduces our dependence on foreign oil,” Gagliardi says. “Twenth years ago this wouldn’t have worked. It wouldn’tt have even worked 10 years ago. But now the potentiakl is huge.
” There are multiple installationx of Earthto Air’s geothermalk system in the United but the company is just now setting up a formal distributor network, says Claytonm Washburn, chief operations officer at Eartnh to Air. “Our biggest struggle is havinvg to say no at Washburn says. “We’re preparing for a much bigger onslaught.”
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Ultrasound Diagnoses Appendicitis Without X-Rays - Newswise (press release)
Washington University in St. Louis News | Ultrasound Diagnoses Appendicitis Without X-Rays Newswise (press release) Similar patients who went to St. Louis Children's Hospital were more often evaluated with an ultrasound scan, a safer option that uses sound waves instead of radiation to confirm or rule out the need for surgery to remove the appendix. Use of either ... Children with appendicitis more likely to get CT, less likely to get ... Appendicitis: CT Scan vs Ultrasound Depends on Hospital Type |